0 thoughts on “Completely Virtual Tests

  1. I forgot to tell about the typology of distraction.

    The ugly: Like the barking animal next door that leads to fantasies of canicide.

    The wicked: Games, hot and wet, or cold and dry as in moving terraformers around Planet.

    The good: What must be done with hot water to hold a house. So bathing, and laundry, and dishes, and sometimes floors.

    The obssessive: Making lists and compiling them endlessly.


    Four minutes, tbh, doesn’t feel like nearly enough.

  2. So a developmental and procedural note. In that paper the footnotes were very long and extensive and opinionated. That seems to be also the case in the early stages of this second manifestation of the Spill. They’re just called comments here. If this was a blog, the comments would be made by other people. And, they still can be. I don’t mind. So far no one knows this exists yet, but … that’ll change, eventually.

    Anyway, like I said before, in the first edition I would have linked a lot of things. Like the Manifold Usurpers. Like the Fresh Air episode I reference extensively.

    That might be good literary practice, or proper academic citation, or even more fun to view and read.

    But this isn’t literature and it isn’t academic. And while I’ve got nothing against fun, or glossy captivating marketing, this is something else.

    This is words, spilled.

    This is attempted belles lettres.

    So dig up your own links, or don’t. Either way is perfectly fine. You’re the audience. You get to make of it what thou wilt. Let that be the whole of the law.

  3. Mentally Ill Community College Dropout, or, maybe

    My Inverted Community College District, with no elected officials and governed anarchically by just me.

  4. There were other breakthroughs in the course of the daylight.

    I engaged with a kindred for real.

    I got a handle on why the mild local nemesis doesn’t fuck with me anymore, and the understanding flattered me some … It was because of one funny and cutting insight I spat out in exasperation in late November. Ever since then, it’s been okay.

    He’s vigilant now, to what I think is funny, and to whether it’s him. So the punches are pulled.

    It makes me happy because of the change in the way it lets me see myself.

    Just like the money thing, except without the shallow part. S’good.

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    (An actual spam comment on this article, purged of the toxic parts of course.)

  6. In spite of the pronunciation it’s actually spelled Tlaib and as of this writing she’s embroiled in yet another shitstorm about some fresh comments on the Occupation.

  7. And even past ridiculous niceness, some kid is harshing my buzz by wanting to convert two D’s into two Incompletes.

    Out of your mind son. Do you know what the work of incompletes pays?


    I am too nice, but even I won’t work for free.

  8. Brett Derrigo
    (spam contact info deleted)

    Wow, incredible blog layout! How long have you been blogging for? you made blogging look easy. The overall look of your site is excellent, as well as the content!

  9. An excellent but unintentionally funny quote from Castro, as promoted on his Twitter feed:

    “I don’t believe in only reproductive freedom, i believe in reproductive justice. All women — and that includes the trans community — have the right to an abortion.”

    You go, grrl, and i’m serious.

  10. This sounds much worse than it really is. It IS the summerwinter of our discontent, and spilling is the raw filth without edits. I have to go back to work Monday and I will, and this is the year when I find a Better way of working and this is the week that the real plan for it hatches.

    I feel loved. Thank you for that.

  11. What I love is the room by room structures I’ve built.
    these are what I made of them
    and it will happen in the place where I have to go.
    All the things about fearhate are my self looking out over at what is in the way of it

    So the cube structures in the place I have to go are what matter.
    There are things in the way but they don’t.

    Being in this state is the whole point
    There have been too many things in the way of the getting-to.
    Outside the state the point of my life has been; is: fix that.

    Being in the flow state is easy.

    Setting things up to be there
    (Long Uninterrupted Stretches of Time)
    (Max the time spent in ArtSpace)
    is hard
    and I’ve let it be harder than it needs to be.


    I need to turn away from audience for a while now and mulch this.

  12. In all honest probability the Means of the better way will probably be quite a bit worse, but presumably and ultimately justified by the Ends.

  13. I wrote this one in my office at work. Instead of working. Instead of running to fix his googly colonel bullshit.

    Which I will do presently, with a fully passive aggressive delay first.

  14. Two footnotes.

    1) The general argument I’m putting forth here owes a lot to the analysis of people like Chris Hedges, for example, in the book Death of the Liberal Class. I never read it. I’ve listened to him speak.

    I’m not of the Liberal Class per se. Just working class historically and as classless as I can willfully be under the rational constraints of Sartre’s ‘facticity’; but even so.

    2) The book in the links, the book that explodes the myth of the heroic Lisa Bloom and her attempts to make Weinstein into a hero instead of the corrupted pond scum he is, was written by two reporters. If there are any heroes in this story or in this vision of the world, it’s them.

    At one time I aspired to do the kind of work they do, or something like it; the kind of journalism that Charles Bowden also practiced. But the truth is that I’m not that good or strong. I was never willing to pay the kind of price people like that have to pay. In tepid defense of myself I will assert that they probably had certain privileges in their upbringing that made them able to consider paying such a price. But the fact of my Adverse Childhood Environment and the lingering trauma from it isn’t any sort of comprehensive excuse for my life as I live it today. I’m not a mere victim. I had plenty of blessings and privileges on the other side of the scale. But I am still my father’s son, and my father was a profoundly lazy man. I am lazy in kind. I wanted a deal with the world that didn’t disturb my nominal serenity too much, and I acted on that desire consistently for decades. There’s plenty of guilt in this world and it comes in all different flavors from jamocha almond evil to dreary vanilla character flaws.

    I can quote you chapter and verse about the ways I am gifted and special and snowflake unique, and I will believe every quote with all my heart.

    Yet on the other side of the coin, speaking of quotes, my glorious talented self makes it

    “Like every other swinging dick in this place makes it. Day by motherfucking day.”

  15. ” … the market-friendly centrist religion of the past half-century. ”

    Naomi Klein, via Guardian/Intercept, via today’s DemocracyNow

    Yeah that’s the cult I mean. Or one wing of it.

  16. “When you get on the street and block it, people start to have a conversation about this existential situation that we’re in. When we say ‘existential threat’ what we mean is we’re in an apocalyptic situation. You have to use biblical language to talk about what it means to be in a sixth mass extinction event. And that’s the only way to get that information over to people — that I understand, anyway — is to be disruptive.

    And when people say, ‘Well, we agree with your message, but we don’t like how you’re doing it’ my general answer is, like, ‘If you’ve got a better plan, tell us’. Because, literally, we’ve tried all the other stuff — writing to our MPs and our politicians and doing petitions and going on marches. I don’t see what else there is, other than getting on the streets.

    And frankly, as this crisis worsens and we face things like food shortages — you know, the academic term actually is ‘multi-breadbasket failure’, when across the planet either droughts or floods mean that the farms can no longer produce enough food. When we’re facing that, and, literally, people are fighting over tins of beans in the supermarket, people are going to wonder why more of us weren’t on these streets in these times …”

  17. One more thumbs-up for Liz, based on the last video I’m watching tonight–the journos on TYT reviewed her just-released M4A plan and gave it a solid, fact-based blessing. While including the fact that Biden, Pelosi and the rest of the corrupt Dem machine are shitting their pants over it, which is the very best possible sign that Warren is for real.

    I’ll leave my rankings as they are for now, but I’ll think again in two weeks and a day when the remaining 9 or 10 people with any real shot take the stage together again. For what it’s worth.

  18. “Don’t be afraid to be disillusioned … don’t be afraid to be dis-identified.”
    –The Gabor of the Matés

    Late in the video he speaks more directly about fear, and I think:
    our relationships to fear are at the heart of the Something.

  19. Coming back here to check on whether I called Liz a liar. Turns out I didn’t, at least not in so many words, but …

    I don’t know who said what in a private meeting.

    The lie that definitely did get told, by her campaign and then endorsed by her, was not about that meeting. Round one of this shit was her saying that Sanders was telling his doorknockers to diss on Warren. That was not true, and the Warren campaign knew it wasn’t true–there was some post on one of his forums that immediately got removed by the mods, about what to say to current Warren supporters to try and turn them. And the removed post, by the way, only told the truth about her.

    It was only after that tactic failed hard that she had anything to say about the meeting part.

    They tried an untrue smear and it failed. So they, she, backed up and fired again about some comment that may or may not have ever been made.

    At the very least the incident in total looks like a greasy, dirty ploy that smacks of desperation, and her retreat into the I’m a Woman stance doesn’t help either.

    I hope that’s all I have to say about it ever again, because as the smartest people on the progressive side are saying already, it’s a petty distraction that the good fight cannot afford to waste any more time and energy on.

  20. It made me feel good, and I hope it did the same for you.

    If so, and if you want to keep that glow, don’t read the rest of this comment.

    Tucker Carlson is a notorious bag of weasel shit, and about the only time I pay him any mind is when somebody smart is smacking him down proper. It happens regularly.

    That said, on a few occasions I have seen him flash will crude and impressive insight.

    This is one of those times. Not the whole six minutes straight through, but maybe two-thirds of the piece.

    Watching these two vids in the same day, I ache far more than is sensible for a President Sanders. It’s like I’m twelve and watching a Super Bowl with the 49ers in it, heart surging madly with each paladin first down, the world going black every time the evil cowboys are good at what they do.

    But I am not twelve, and this is no meaningless sport trophy at stake.

    I am feeling both sides of the Burn, and halftime fiestas and expensive commercials have no charm for my eyes. Let’s get on with the deadly serious green new game.

  21. I forgot–the screengrab is from coverage you can enjoy.

    His name is David Doel, and on the Ytubes his channel is the Rational National.

  22. I was only halfway through the interview when I wrote that, and it got better still.

    She says: We fail at Be Here Now, most often, because when we’re Here Now the first thing we wake up to is how unhappy we are. We wake to the pain. Then:

    “Sweet sensitive souls gravitate to the irreverent, because the mundane just bores us to tears.”

    Then she tells a story about her Dad, talking about how a neighbor got this great job at the Post Office and the benefits were just so wonderful, and she’s thinking ‘Bitch please I was just on Hollywood Squares and you want to tell me about post office benefits’.

    I don’t want to ever go on the hollywood-fuckin-squares, but god how I want to escape the endless post office of wage slavery, like so much that it has hurt and sometimes it still does.

    • Or at least your only publicly acknowledged one. ; ) (I might be projecting a little there.)

      I brought the Pollan interview up in class this week–drawing an analogy between caffeine addiction and mobilePhone/socialMedia addiction. In the author’s terms they’re both very ‘transparent’ drugs–hard to tell your even on them until you try to stop.

      I bought coffee today at the Co-op, a pound of Ethiopian ground for French Press, for the morning quart. But the emergency supply is in pod form, and it’s Peet’s, so I’m going to have one right now in the early evening just so we’re asynchronously sharing. I’m addicted to feeling close to you!

  23. I love hearing your voice in my head as I read your words. I feel closer to you than in many years. Integrity. Independence. Resolve. Fierceness. It all comes through.

    • So there’s a star, tenth-brightest in the night sky, that forms one of the shoulders in the constellation of Mr. O’brian.

      Last October, astronomers started to fret over it because it appeared to be dimming dramatically. Was it prepping itself to blow up in a brilliant supernova that would rival the moon for luminosity in our dark heavens?

      By last month, it had irrationally returned to its former bright glory. And this was a cause for even more concern. Did this mean the explosion was imminent? Off the table, for now? Or maybe … maybe it was nothing but a variation in the absorption and scattering of the star’s light, somewhere between it and us.

      They continue to ponder the mystery. What we do know for sure, or sort of for sure, is this.

      “Less than 10 million years old, Betelgeuse has evolved rapidly because of its large mass and is expected to end its evolution with a supernova explosion, most likely within 100,000 years. Having been ejected from its birthplace in the Orion OB1 Association—which includes the stars in Orion’s Belt—this runaway star has been observed moving through the interstellar medium at a speed of 30 km/s, creating a bow shock over four light-years wide.”

      So. The protagonist of this story is big, and he is both moving and evolving very fast, in an outbound direction from home. When he reaches his destination, it’s going to be a hell of a fireworks show.

      In the movie version of the story, you play the major role of one of the prettier (and of course most loyal) Belt Stars.

      In both the book and movie versions, the role of Science is played by The Spill.

      One thing the Science can tell us is this. Whatever we think is going to happen in the plot, for the next 700 years …

      Has already happened. Because all the action is taking place 700 light years away, which means that the part we’re watching today was filmed seven centuries ago, and we’re only just now seeing it in theatrical release.

      The moral of the story is: Independent ferocity is good, but closeness is better.

      I am real damn glad we are in each other’s part of the universe.

  24. If you can’t stand to listen to Dore’s screeching versions (I’m with you), give Monday’s softer take a try:


    The point here being that an even softer tier of true progressivism, more tie-wearing than Michael Moore, are beginning to say the same things. See Krystal on the Hill, but also Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, and on down the line into the serious, thoughtful intelligentsia of people with heart.

  25. All I really watched was this one clip.

    Origins of Film Noir

    According to it, these are the four must-see noir films
    stranger on the third floor (1940)
    double indemnity (1944) and see
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s-7qg6kQhA 9:15 “all of dark city was built”
    The Big Combo (1955)
    Touch of Evil (1958)

    Then it shows quick clips of these others

    blade runner
    dark city
    mullholland drive
    the man who wasn’t there
    sin city
    the dark knight

    Most of which I’ve seen, not all. Any of it would be good. But what I really need is to write one. And to have a case of Margaux in the house instead of all this Cab.

  26. I’m not sorry I voted for Bernie.

    He was the best I’ll ever have the chance to vote for I’m sure.

    We were that close to having something just a tiny bit better, and now we are just back to diving headlong deeper into the fearsome and the loathsome.

    Feel the tragedy.

    Revolt anyway.

  27. I won’t tell the whole thing because Reasons, but …

    The reason there were hundreds of cops out was because the fugitive was one of their own, a boy in blue and a kidfucker too. They should have gone Waco on his ass.

  28. See also:

    Chomsky Pushes 40 Year Old Failed Voting Strategy

    What I believe is this.
    Eighty year olds like Noam Chomsky, and Bernie Sanders too, grew up in an abundant America where you could truly and completely hold onto your integrity, be your real self, and still find a niche somewhere in academia or government to build a modest success of your life.

    If I’m being honest, I had a taste of it too. Early on, there were the libraries, the public radio, and that provided enough for a young me without many needs. Later there was the last best college, and it worked to a point, until it hit the wall and just fucking didn’t anymore. The goon middle managers at this last place get a fish face when they look at a mostly unbroken, mildly rebellious, integrity-prone face in the crowd, and I’ve knocked around the counties enough to know that this is our world now.

    (It won’t stop me from trying to game the increasingly shitty system for two more little years. I’ll try and we’ll see. It’s an even money gamble at this point, and even if I get that far, there are no guarantees in the apocalypse.)

    Dore and I are pretty much the same age, certainly the same generation, the same temperament, and the same class.

    We don’t have the margin in our lives to indulge in noblesse oblige the way Bernie and Noam do. There’s no room in our lives for thoughtful, incrementalist patience. We can’t fucking afford it.

    I take back what I said about Nancy and fires.

    But that’s as much generosity of spirit as I can possibly muster just now.

  29. I’m cramming in one more superfresh Kyle video before I calm down.
    This one tells you exactly WHY Nancy isn’t going to listen to dying people, or me.

    Dems Propose Bailout Of Mafia Health Insurers After $776k Bribe

    Or rather three-quarters of a million reasons, and more where that came from.

    Something is rotten in the state of Murika, and the dead fish smell doesn’t change one little bit when you sit on the other side of the aisle.

  30. My feeling at the end of that is of having done a day’s work, and that this is the work I really should be doing.

    I don’t mean being a cosmic theoretician or giving TED talks.

    I mean trying real hard to understand.

  31. Planet of the Humans is getting a biomass truckload of pushback. For example:

    Filmmaker Josh Fox responds to Michael Moore on bombshell climate film

    My counter-response is simply this. Should the Green New Deal go ahead full steam like yesterday? HELL FUCKING YES. It’s not going to, nor tomorrow either, and not next year, should Biden OR Trump be elected. But leaving that aside, let’s say I’m wrong, and January 15, 2020, newly appointed Secretary of Climate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is given a few trillion dollars to make it so.

    Problem solved? I think not.

    The film tells why. Follow the Solomon thread to its logical conclusion.

  32. So often, I have had vivid and lurid fantasies of murdering that dog. Other dogs in the past too, but this one in particular, because of disturbed sleep over and over, and even shattered perfect moments like the one I describe here.

    It occurs to me that my vengeful impulse is really not that different from the one that led yesterday’s fool to shoot a cook at the Waffle House.

    Sure, fantasy is one thing and doing it is another.

    Sure, a dog is one thing and a human is another.

    The foul country we’ve created, and the way it in turn creates us … not so very different though.

    The main reason I don’t kill the dog is that I’m not committed to this place on the dirt road–never have been–and in fact I’m leaving it right now as fast as I can

    I can’t promise that I will never kill a dog, in defense of my twisted Murican freedom.

    I can promise that if I do, it won’t be by shooting it, because that’s noisy, and the paradox of making noise to end noise is just too much for me.


  33. A Puppy Upper for you, to partially atone for my grimness.

    mmoore has a wonderful guest on the latest ep of Rumble (Number 83).

    A prof (a tenured prof, grr) who is also on one of the useless Dem task forces …

    Who has some really great, articulately expressed ideas about How to actually accomplish effective real meaningful change.

    For example: a guarantee of a federal job for anyone who wants one, a job that might be focused on rebuilding human infrastructure, in addition to the WPA roads and bridges stuff. If you could always walk away from your shitty private sector job to go get a living wage (and health care) at a Federal one, it would re-empower ALL workers.

    Genuinely brilliant.

    Now I might go on to say that he’ll never get it past McConnell, and Pelosi, and the rest of the corporatist ringworms …

    But I won’t, because this is cheerful atonement after all.

  34. Michael Moore, Rumble #85

    Average net worth of an American white family = 171K
    Average net worth of an American black family = 17K

    Payday lenders. Food deserts. Starvation minimum wages.

    Don’t talk to me about looting.

    Even leaving aside what would happen if those other protesters, with guns, taking over the legislature buildings …

    Had been poor and black.

    God help them if they even had a single thought about their ‘second amendment rights’. Or fourth amendment. All they’re doing now is exercising their rights to Amendment One.

  35. “When I joined the military, some 50 years ago, I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution. Never did I dream that troops taking that same oath would be ordered under any circumstance to violate the Constitutional rights of their fellow citizens—much less to provide a bizarre photo op for the elected commander-in-chief, with military leadership standing alongside.”

    General James “Mad Dog” Mattis, ex-Defense Secretary for Trump, and apparently a budding Antifan


  36. Hi It’s nearly impossible to find well-informed people about this topic, however, you seem like you know what you’re talking about! grazie

    (i think i’ll ‘approve’ this comment conditionally because it’s a good example of ninety percent of the comments I get. The point of them seems to be to spam out the information in the URL field, which probably goes to malware or worse, so I’ve redacted it.)

  37. History provides perspective. A shock to my system to see that our current Conversation on race and inequality is a continuation, not an epiphany or even anything new.
    I’ve recently heard the question “why now?”
    Perhaps the question is “why have we waited so long to have this conversation?”

  38. Insignificant labels, yes. But perhaps a breadcrumb to help explain why I feel like a blue flower in a field of poppies sometimes.
    No badges? I disagree. I prefer to wear my eccentricities like a badge for all to see.
    There was a time when conformance was my MO. That has faded, and is fading faster with recent events. Bring on the change. Celebrate the differences.

  39. It’s true. I came looking for this spill. I fought to remain organized, starting way back to catch up where I had left off. The journey has been most excellent, but I am pulled by the looming storms outside and the need to go for a long bike ride to clear my head before the heavens open up again. And so I skipped ahead; and found it.
    I’ve been spilling a lot in the last 48 hours. It started with an unexpected touch, quickly overwhelmed my senses, and ended up filling pages last night and several times in the night.
    It is good to feel again, even if the price includes confusion and pain.
    I needed to feel close to you, to share your thoughts, whether simple musings or deeper insights. Thanks for being there. As you said, available when needed.
    Love Ya.

  40. I think you doubled my stash of legit comments in one sitting.

    I approve this message and of the time you took, and especially of the fact that you’ve been spilling too.

    This is your time.

  41. What is happening with me is much too important to interrupt with posts about more trivial matters, but I’m tossing those down here instead.

    Journalizm: Today marked the first beard-cropping, the first home shower, and the first serious toothbrushing since I got back to this place. Because it was finally showerday, Kali got her box cleaned first too. All of it makes me feel better.

    Politics, and Tech, both: The edition of The Daily podcast with today’s date is titled ‘Wrongfully Accused by an Algorithm’. I recommend it highly because (although the story is told from the habitually point-missing Dem-centrist neoliberal perspective of the NYT/NPR class), it’s a well-distilled cautionary tale about what precisely is so deeply fucked about Da Police, about the American way of damn near everything, and about cultural modernity in general. (A salute, Annie Brown.)

  42. Journalizm:
    The top of the trash is at the actual curb. Also, fighting with myself stupidly over the undone chore of paying one bill, a very simple matter that I’m self-sabotaging with.

    When it comes to the matter, the very important matter to me, of the (expired, extended) unemployment benefits, no less a chump than Lindsey Antebellum Graham is out-waltzing the hapless Dems at a tango pace. I stare slack-jawed in … not disbelief … not wonder … maybe a rueful mazement. Nina was hyperbolic but she wasn’t wrong. I am praying for the campaign of Shahid Buttar. See also Kyle:

  43. Some quotable Bakunin:

    We are convinced that liberty without socialism is privilege, injustice; and that socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality.

    If there is a State, there must be domination of one class by another and, as a result, slavery; the State without slavery is unthinkable – and this is why we are the enemies of the State.

    Does it follow that I reject all authority? Far from me such a thought. In the matter of boots, I refer to the authority of the bootmaker; concerning houses, canals, or railroads, I consult that of the architect or engineer. For such or such special knowledge I apply to such or such a savant. But I allow neither the bootmaker nor the architect nor the savant to impose his authority upon me.

    When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called “the People’s Stick.”

    • I’m behind due to road-tripping again as usual, but I have a bit of true riparian delight to tell about from Labor Day proper–we walked a long way down the live creek that flows through the good town.

  44. Pingback: Rebirth Day | a book called spill

  45. Taibbi on Paralipsis came very near the beginning of the yesterday’s edition of his podcast, co-hosted with Katie Halper, called Useful Idiots.

    I listen to this pod regularly, but this was my favorite episode ever for many reasons. Well worth the two hours while you’re doing other things. My respect for Greenwald grows almost every time I hear him speak at length.

    Glenn Greenwald on Reality Winner Controversy and Asking Trump to Pardon Snowden | Useful Idiots


  46. Suddenly There Is Nothing

    Ut-napishtim speaks:

    Why have you exerted yourself? What have you achieved ?
    You have made yourself weary for lack of sleep,
    You only fill your flesh with grief,
    You only bring the distant days of reckoning closer.

    Mankind’s fame is cut down like reeds in a reed-bed.
    A fine young man, a fine girl,
    Beloved of Death.
    Nobody sees Death,

    Nobody sees the face of Death,
    Nobody hears the voice of Death.
    Savage Death
    just cuts mankind down.

    Sometimes we build a house, sometimes we make a nest,
    But then brothers divide it upon inheritance.
    Sometimes there is hostility in the land,
    But then the river rises and brings flood-water.

    Dragonflies drift on the river,
    Their faces look upon the face of the Sun,
    (But then)
    suddenly there is nothing.

    (The happy ending to the Epic of Gilgamesh,

  47. I’m also giving some weight to what my family would want me to do, which of course means a Biden vote.

    Someone told me recently that the reason to go Joe was that Anything Else was a vote for Trump, hell, two votes for Trump.

    Which, with all due respect, is the worst kind of in-the-system centrist horseshit.

    I voted Nader in 2000, and I am unashamed. My vote, filtered through the electoral college, had nothing to do with Bush winning.

    I voted Green in 2016, and that vote did not by any logical stretch of imagination contribute to Trump’s electoral college victory in any practical way.

    In between, I voted for Obama, the first time, and that vote changed nothing. I voted against him, the second time, and that vote changed nothing.

    This time I’m in a swing state, and I think it’s for the first time.

    I doubt my vote will change anything even now. There’s a very small chance that I’m wrong about it though. For the first time.

    It comes down to balancing that fact off against how my vote makes me feel.

    I don’t want to be self-indulgent about it.

    No matter what I decide, I almost surely will be anyway.

  48. In the last minute or so of the show, the hosts point out that James Cameron is a Canadian, and quite possibly a believer in Matriarchy, recalling the role of the mother in another one of his brilliant movies, Terminator 2.

  49. It appears, maybe, based on some unposted-yet live Jimmy, that the guy who gave the speech was named Magnus? and also that my criticism of JD himself might have been a bit of the old itchy trigger finger on my part. If so, mea culpa, and of course I’ll keep you posted either way.

  50. For a MUCH more considered and thoughtful critique of Dore generally and the Magnus interview in particular, see today’s Humanist Report:


    I still think he’s wrong to assert that listening to a Boog means “aligning with fascists”, and wrong to prescribe more shitting on Republicans and conservatives (because anybody with eyes already knows that Trump, McConnell, Graham are just as evil and frequently worse than the Dems).

    But this is a mind I can respectfully disagree with. I’ve lost my respect, for David’s mind, to the point where I almost just wrote that he’s simply not that bright in the end.

  51. When I wrote this, I felt the tears start, just inside me.

    When I listened to the YearCat song earlier in the future, I felt the tears start inside me.

    It may be that I am turning into a sentimental old fool.

    But stopping myself from doing so is a useless obligation I don’t care to burden myself with, because I wouldn’t enjoy it, so fuck it.

  52. One more little slice of Ike’s speech, for professors of cybersecurity and English Lit, for scientists and guitar heroes, for the employed and the unemployed:

    “The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocation, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

    Yet in holding scientific discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

    The Republican. Dwight David. The last of the philosopher kings.

    The Wikipedia, from which I cribbed all the quotes, goes on to say:

    “21st-century commentators have expressed the opinion that a number of the fears raised in his speech have come true”.

    Really? Ya fuckin’ think?

  53. I learned two interesting things from the Canadian Commie bro:

    One, the latest cop-dead Minneapolis child, who was guilty of either hanging an air freshener from his mirror, or expired license tags, and who was supposedly about to get tased for resisting arrest, was in fucking handcuffs when the she-javelina shot and murdered him. Of course it was an “accident”.

    Two, the phrase “How are you going to pay for that?” is straight-up mind-control propaganda. As CC said, the system supports billions upon billions of dollars stolen from the communal economy by gangsters and thugs in five hundred dollar suits, and squirreled away in offshore accounts via tax fraud. The people need health care. You’re asking how we could possibly pay for that?

    The question itself is an attempt to brainwash you into accepting Evil as regular and normal.

    I recommend not falling for that.

  54. Let us spare a moment for Justin Amash, R-Michigan once upon a time, who in the wake of the Snowden revelations brought a bill to the house floor to defund the big three-letter spy agency for their literal crimes against the citizenry, even though he was right about almost nothing else ever.

    Let us spare another for the seventeen blue dog Dems who shot that bill down and said to the criminals, Sure, Go Ahead. Don’t even slow your crimes down and here’s more money for domestic spying, Gob Bluss Murica.

    Let us spare a third for Snowden himself, an actual patriot, and for Julian Assange and Steven Donziger and all the other truth-tellers being libeled and savaged and punished most brutally for their noble efforts.

    And fuck you Anne Kirkpatrick, D-AZ, one of the seventeen, who I voted for once and after that haven’t since and never will again. A pox on your mini-mansion, “Krysten Sinema”, and the same to all the other liars and frauds regardless of whether a D or an R sits next to their names on the ballot. You’re dead to me. Shunned, disfellowshipped, excommunicated from the company of polite, sane, and rational society. GTFO.

  55. The ten second-brainer principles from the wildly expensive class on it.
    Per the linked video.

    Borrowed Creativity: your additions into a remix
    The Capture Habit: store resonant things. there’s a notebook in the car
    Idea Recycling: reuse of pieces of the remix in multiple projects
    Projects Over Categories: a general capture inbox, but then linking the bits to Projects
    Slow Burns: so much of what we file is for this, instead of immediate heavy lifts
    (maybe the central idea)
    Start With ‘Abundance’: querying the dataset of stuff already in the 2nd brain
    Intermediate Packets: a way of seeing content blocks
    You Only Know What You Make: as in writng a post or a book
    Make It Easier For Your Future Self
    Keep Your Ideas Moving: and antiperfectionism. There is no perfect second brain systme

  56. So it was a long hour that ended up in a scathing indictment of the corporate media, but Glenn was only warming, to that part. Here he is shortly after, showing in detail how the pols and the media bobbleheads collaborate to promote The Lie that keeps you in chains you can’t even see.


    Should you prefer the quick hot take on it all, Caitlin provides. Six minutes.


  57. Chris Farley was a very funny man, but sometimes he was just a tool for making it easier to believe what they want you to believe, at the same time. An accidental propagandist of evil, like most people who ascend to any position that visible, influential, and well-paid.

    So whenever you tell me again about that Matt Foley sketch about living in a VAN down by the RIVER, and I again smile and say nothing, now you will know what revolutionary counter-lyric is running through my mind in a cleansing of spiritual reverse osmosis.


    They loved me
    as a loser
    but now they’re worried
    that i just might

    They know the way to stop me
    but they don’t have the discipline.
    How many nights i prayed for this
    to let my Work

    First. We take Denali.
    Then we take Berlin.

  58. The next time you go online to look up a word, like hypnopompic, please consider using something like searx.be
    instead of the usual corporate engine
    Thank you.

  59. I voted for Uncle Joe, for dubious reasons of my own. I got vaccinated when they told me to (because, well, my Mom), and I was boycotting Spotify *before* any pop star told me to, because I try to keep big platforms the hell out of my life whenever possible on principle.

    Songs like Powderfinger and Big Yellow Taxi are brilliant gems from talented artists.

    Joe Rogan is not always right. Like another smart person, Dave Chappelle, he’s all quivery for the wrong reasons that trans people even exist.

    All of that is deeply irrelevant.

    What’s relevant is that They Own Everything and all too often that includes the brainspace of people I love, or even my own, and that’s a problem for everyone. It’s literally killing us and it hurts me that that’s not obvious, to everybody, every waking moment.

    Whatever NPR tells you about Ukraine is a lie.

    Whatever any billionaire-owned news portal tells you about how we’re gonna beat this darn climate change thing, is a lie.

    Whatever the news brought to you be Pfizer tells you to believe about Covid, or vaccines, or Joe Rogan is a lie.

    Not a mistake. Not an accident.

    A premeditated and effective lie designed to take your advantage.

    Please. Please. Don’t buy any of it.

    That is all I really have to say about anything remotely related to the political opinions of people with more money than you and I will ever have.

    A mundane day of clearing all the brush with my truckbed so that I can clear myself to turn it into a real bed next means more to me than anyone I ever voted for and every song I ever studied the lyrics to–more than any podcaster or novelist in the recorded history of humanity.

    I need a life that’s less about the dreck, and more about wrapping the Eternal Juniper in my arms, and I’m working hard to get one. Help me be better, if the spirit moves you, and bless the ones I never even had to ask, With all my Heart.

  60. Oh. Top speed, 28 mph.

    After today’s jaunt there are four miles on the odo, and when hers arrives I think I’d like to try a ride ten times that far, out to the nearest National Park.

  61. I do want to say that I am unconditionally anti-war, and that the Russian oligarchs we hear so much about are no better than the American or Zimbabwean oligarchs that we somehow never hear about.

    And, that I am not cattleprodding you to lionize Russell Bently, and in fact virulently disagree with his asides about ‘gender confusion’ and the “Canada-Mexico canal’.

    Don’t lionize anybody.

    Listen to your left. Listen to your right. Don’t trust anyone including me, Chris Hayes, and Megyn Kelly.

    Trust your own best self and it’ll be right as rain, that pluvial substance renowned for variability in its rightness. The hard kind is gonna fall soon enough, erasing our disagreements and our pain as well as our joys and delight. Live free, and die either way, but smiling.

    Any day now I’ll follow my own advice there sure.

  62. I let him read it over after I posted and he was a little pissed off because, he said, I seemed to be implying he wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.

    He wanted me to point out all the thick books in the photo, on the shelf in his own personal room, right next to his own personal bed.

    So I’m doing that, as a personal favor. We are good friends.

    But confidentially, I still owe truth to my readers, and I swear by Astarte that this is gospel–every single one of them is porn, of a kind that would give paws to the most urbane and jaded among you.

  63. It takes twenty minutes for Brand to sketch the outlines of the raw truth that’s been deliberately withheld from you. It’s a stellar job, and one that I’ve completely failed at in text message form.

    If you care about hearing what I’m really trying to say, listen to that guy for 20 minutes.

    If you don’t, please do go on with your lives in the new normal, in whatever shades of joy and hues of delight you can find there, and I mean that genuinely.

    I’ll do my best to shut up about it personally, though we all know that my best is only good enough in short quick bursts that are always over much too fast.

  64. Matt Taibbi was interviewed by Primo Radical. What Matt says from 16:19 to 17:30 made me feel a little better.

    In a nutshell, he says that 20 years ago, he didn’t have any friends who were for spying, torture, mass surveillance, censorship, interventions (including the ‘elimination’ of foreign leaders) in other countries, regime change, building up the military, watchlists, and the spirit of things like vaccine mandates or throwing the book at Assange. No friends who stood with the deep state and the projection of oligarchic power across the globe.

    But now, all these things are part of what mainstream neoliberal Democrats approve and call for more of … and, Taibbi says, he has very few friends who are now still against them, as they very much were a couple decades ago under Bush.

    It IS baffling, to me, too.

    Matt Taibbi has consistency and integrity, and of course I’d love to believe that I do too.

    So, his puzzlement was heartening, by that exact spiritual mechanism.

    Watch the whole thing:


  65. “Scott Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer … He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, served in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991 to 1998 served as a chief weapons inspector with the UN in Iraq.”

    Based on those experiences, he has a far more interesting and nuanced take on the evolving geopolitical situation than any MSNBC rent-a-general the elites are going to slap in your face, much less the witless neolibs on The View. Hear him.

  66. Every year since 2015, the UN has considered a resolution on “Combating Glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism … etc.” Hardly a controversial subject. ‘We don’t like Nazis, yes or no’?

    Every year the US has voted against it. Say what now?

    In 2021, they were joined in opposition to the We Hate Nazis bill by exactly one other country.

    I’ll let you figure out which country, but I’ll bet you have the right guess already.

    Lately I’ve heard the term “The Fourth Reich” casually tossed about in reference to my homeland.

    Is that just stupid hyperbole? Maybe …

    But six pro-Nazi votes at the UN are not doing much to dispel the notion, and neither are a million other things large and small. Like, I dunno, the ever-narrowing gap between corporate fascism and ‘democracy’ as it is practiced here?

    Yeah that thing.

  67. Pushing Back on Propaganda

    A tale of you, me, Ukraine, and the real Hunter Biden’s real laptop.

    Forget all about the now-verified video of The First Son smoking crack while getting a footjob from a young lady who may or may not have been underage.

    Instead, remember that his laptop “contained evidence that he was colluding with deep-pocketed corporations in China and Ukraine and giving a cut to his father”.

    The impeachable part.

    But most of all, remember all your favorite media personalities, who lied to you over and over again, because this wasn’t their first lie and it won’t be even close to their last.

  68. The Empire is growing more insane and now even suicidal every day.

    Biden White House launches sanctions war against China

    I hear you speaking of your willingness to pay through the nose at the pump, in the name of Ukrainian sovereignty, and I hear you say nothing, about those among your fellow Americans who can’t afford that kind of virtue-signalling luxury.

    But the people who pull Grandpa Joe’s janky strings are making very sure that soon you won’t be able to afford it either.

    Soon, you and I and the poor neighbor we don’t like are all just going to be the same–average people who are not in the Club and are struggling to pay inflationary prices not just for gas, but for electricity and heat and food too.

    I don’t know why they’re doing this. I can only conclude that their madness has its own logic that logic knows nothing of.

  69. You don’t hate Putin because he invaded the Ukraine. If you did, you would hold the same visceral hate for every American politician since Jimmy Carter.

    You hated him already, remember? For stealing our elections, for all those Russiagate reasons.

    But now it’s clear that Russiagate was almost entirely a big fat lie, a lie birthed by the Hillary campaign, and repeated on infinite loop by the neolib media until you righteously hated Putin as much as you hated Trump.

    Clinton Campaign Fined For Lying About Trump & Russia

    To the extent that your neo-McCarthyism is flaring up lately, it is a pure product of the same world-class propaganda machine that is now daily telling you lies about what’s happening in that war far away. Even openly admitting it, if you listen close.

    Please remember to question what they tell you.

    In turn, I will try to remember that I don’t care anymore.

  70. ‘Putin’s price hike’ is a poor lie, obviously so to the meanest intellect. The price went up because the supply went down, and it was the sanctioning that did that–a purely self-inflicted wound, which a clear majority of ‘allies’ are refusing to do to themselves–Germany for example is talking real big out of one side of their mouths, and out of the other it’s … ‘weaning our Volk off the bad russian crack … by the end of the year … maybe … if we can do it without freezing to death …’

    But in order to encourage compliance with the useless boomeranging sanctions, the Empire is shipping … its ENTIRE strategic reserve to Europe? Instead of flooding local markets a bit to cool inflationary pressure at home … which would still be a dumb, but maybe understandable idea?

    What if there’s like … you know … a real emergency?

    Would you give your whole life savings to make it a little bit easier for a friend to keep his house, even if it grievously risked putting you out of your own?

    And this is just one bonehead quasi-suicidal piece of strategery in a whole whore’s breakfast* of a foreign policy, which is shoving friends like India away with a vengeance, and emboldening a much more dangerous rival than little old Russia.

    Hot on the heels of a completely failed domestic agenda.

    Right in the face of what will certainly be a historic drubbing in the midterms.

    And leaving any sensible rhetoric to Donald. Fucking. Trump, for Chrissake, who just announced he’s running again on a platform of letting Europe and the rest of the world deal with their own effing problems instead of acting like we’re still the Supercop in charge of everything.

    Out there in the tree-lined suburbs, they’ve always hated the man. Not just evil, but icky too.

    But after two years of absolutely nothing for the people (you wanted health care–here, have an overpass!) and mismanaging the virus, and two more ahead of seven-dollar gas and seven-percent inflation, the deplorables of Iowa and Carolina and Dakota are going to be foaming at the mouth to Make America Great Again, or maybe even just a little bit less shitty. It won’t be close this time. These people are my neighbors and for better or worse my peers.

    Even the ones like me that could never bring themselves to vote for the orange man will just stay home in droves. And effectively, I’ll be one of them, flinging a protest vote at Marianne or whoever the Greens can puke up. Not Trump.

    But god help us not one more useless crypto-evil blue bootygig proxy-warrior of a classist shitheel either, EVER.

    (* Sorry. I meant to say “sex worker’s brunch”.)

  71. Statistically speaking, throughout a year of weeks, you’ll fall on one side or the other, the same side, a large majority of the time.

    When I’ve made this point in less measured terms, over other issues, I’ve had virulently negative reactions sometimes–reactions which indicate that people think I’m calling them stupid, for not agreeing with me on some matter of public debate.

    Sometimes, they’re interpreting what my attitude is saying correctly. “Wull, don’t them Jews have a right to defend themselves?” Yep sure sure uh huh. You betcha they do. It’s just that … that is so very far from the greater moral point that I don’t even know what to say. Often I’m not very quick and this is doubly so when I am appalled.

    But far more often, I really am pleading my case in good faith. Far more often, it’s hurting my heart that the blindness seems so willful and reactive, so rooted in a kind of insecurity or lack. I’m not feeling superior. I’m feeling like I’m begging, for my marginal and unpopular view of the world to be taken with some seriousness. Some indication that it is on some level, equal.

    At times like these, my perception of reality is costing me dearly. More than my perception of reality will ever cost you.

    Smile indulgently. Nod with artfully concealed condescension. Change the subject. Act charitably, toward my broken, angry, deluded state.

    Or at the least, I’m asking please, just … spare me the snippiness.

    After all, God and Anderson Cooper are both on your side.

    So cling to that in magnanimity.

  72. Events came across faster than posts yesterday, but that’s okay.

    Nobody in their right minds would try to sell you on Elon’s acquistion being any guarantee of more, or even more free speech.

    But it does seem highly likely to result in less stupid censorship, and I don’t see any room for honest people to be able to paint that in a bad light. Not even good old Robert Reich.

    There’s one more little very positive tidbit slipped in to a Musk tweet, as shown here:
    Elon Musk Buys Twitter & Liberals Freak Out

    In the tweet, Musk says that he’s going to open source Twitter’s algorithms.

    Maybe you understand the implications of that and maybe not, but it’s a very key Good Thing, and he didn’t have to say it, and the fact that he did is a quietly deliberate signal that he’s actually serious about changing the current evil Shadowban Factory into something at least a little better.

    Also. If it does turn out that he’s bullshitting about that, we are absolutely no worse off than we are now–it’s just trading one set of lies and oligarchs for another.

    So in the end, yeah, “I want to be excited about this”, and the cautions in Caitlin’s response are absolutely valid–both things are true at the same time.

  73. “Remember. Dems had decades to codify Roe into law. Biden’s pledge to do that disappeared like his promises of a $15 minimum wage, student debt relief, climate action.”
    –some radical woman on the Twitters

    “So … nothing about why he didn’t codify Roe when he had a supermajority?”
    –some other radical (and black) woman, in direct response to Barack Obama’s ‘gosh such a bad day for women’ tweet

    I’m not telling you their names, but you’d recognize them both from previous posts here.

    Instead–you tell me–how are they wrong?

    Consider an alternative explanation.

    The people that run this place, and own both halves of the Uniparty, and own all the politicians in them both, even the nice blue ones … they don’t want women, or anyone else, to have Choices over their own lives.

    If they did, they might well start down the path of choosing something besides sham democracy, global imperialism, and the absolute rule of the oligarchy.

    Don’t be mad at the stupid Repubs. Don’t be mad at the useless Dems either. Your real enemy is standing right over their behind them, laughing behind their fat fingers as you go distracted and nutty over their latest propaganda cat toy, whipped into a froth by Trevor Noah, Sean Hannity, and other every useful idiot millionaire that was sitting in that Correspondent’s Dinner everybody was so happy to see take place once more, oh so normal after these awful plague years.

    Einstein explained it all in simple English years before we landed on the blessed thin strip of blue.

  74. A curiously parallel road-to-Damascus eye-opener, but on the Roe v. Wade thing.


    I want so badly, even more than you want me to, to SHUT UP–about all of this, and go back telling you a story about trying to make a better life for my own self.

    I guess I have my own subtle addiction issues.

    I think I’ll go watch some Gabor Mate now, and maybe swear an oath on the Pope to make Saturday’s post non-political.

  75. Scott Ritter grew up a patriot and joined the Marines, specializing in Intelligence to spend his life countering the Russian threat. After that was no longer a factor, he become one of the Chief Weapons Inspectors in Iraq. He has a few thoughts, on the current situation.

    Scott Ritter; Ukraine, Finland and Nato, a Warning to the People of Finland

    Russell Texas Bentley never got around to drinking that Kool-Aid, and thus his views are quite a bit more extreme. But … not, still, in all that much conflict with Mr. Ritter’s.

    “The United States is literally the Fourth Reich” – Russell Bentley Interview

    Primo Radical, formerly known as Primo Nutmeg, is just another independent video producer with an axe to grind, and is otherwise now unemployed. Therefore his focus is less on the big world picture like the first two guys, and more on how The Current Thing is playing out in terms of domestic partisan politics. There’s also a choice comment down below at this link, which reads, “Michael Parenti said that foreign aid is when poor people in a rich country give money to rich people in a poor country”.

    House Passes $40 Billion for Ukraine, No Dems Object

    Alex Christoforou is a Cyprus-based correspondent specializing for now on The Current Thing. While it is true, about no Dems objecting, his video today starts out by featuring a couple of otherwise insane Republicans objecting very loudly. Does the fact that these otherwise blind squirrels have discovered the walnut of truth give me pause? It could. It doesn’t. On this issue, for this purpose, on this day, Marjorie Taylor Greene is absolutely right, and every one of those progressive squaddies we otherwise love has their head lodged firmly up their own asses, or maybe just in Nancy Pelosi’s ice cream freezer.

    Pelosi finds God. Poland calls for end of “Russian world.” Musk pokes the bear.


    Here are four-plus voices of dissent that you will never ever hear about from the ‘journalist’ millionaires who work for the real billionaires.

    You can say Bentley is off his rocker. You can say Ritter is a traitor to all we hold dear. You can say that random YouTubers know nothing. I don’t mind. I doubt they would either.

    They’re posted here as a public service. Let’s call it a provocative collection designed to support forming your own objective opinion, a thing that Einstein said is almost impossible for you to do anymore.

    Almost impossible. By design.

    One more. Glenn on the tragedy of AOC. –There is no Left.

    One more.
    The Most American Thing That Ever Happened

  76. What Azov really is, and why it’s so essential to Ukraine’s nature: analysis from a US Iraq war vet.

    Analysis of why Sanctions are not hurting Russia at all, but boomeranging viciously on the powerless poor people of the West

    A Christoforou update, mainly valuable for the clip of George Bush confusing Ukraine with Iraq, and more importantly WHY that was such an easy and natural mistake for him to make.

    Russell Brand on the Bush confusion–even better than the above

  77. I promised you Two amplifications of my own but after the first one I got too upset.

    The other one is here if you want it. I’m crashing early.


    Also, an alt-McMurty vid. This is the world I live in, people, whenever I can bring myself to get out of the house and down the street. The world I *choose* to live in, because it’s ever so much more real, than Myrtle Beach.


  78. Her given name was Margarita Carmen Cansino.

    Her father, a Gypsy from Spain, “partnered with his 12-year-old daughter to form an act called the Dancing Cansinos … Since under California law Margarita was too young to work in nightclubs and bars, her father took her with him to work across the border in Tijuana”.

    In addition to putting her to work so that she never graduated high school, her father also sexually assaulted her. Apparently the only person she confided that to was Welles.

    She said of herself: “Basically, I am a good, gentle person, but I am attracted to mean personalities.”

    So of course she was angry. She overcame it to become not only the Queen of Hollywood, but the mother of a real-life princess.

    Overcoming came at the price of a lot of destructive coping mechanisms.

    “Orson Welles noted Hayworth’s problem with alcohol during their marriage, but he never believed that her problem was alcoholism. ‘It certainly imitated alcoholism in every superficial way’, he recalled in 1983. ‘She’d fly into these rages, never at me, never once, always at Harry Cohn or her father or her mother or her brother. She would break all the furniture and she’d get in a car and I’d have to get in the car and try to control her. She’d drive up in the hills suicidally. Terrible, terrible nights. And I just saw this lovely girl destroying herself’.”

    At the age of sixty, she was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

    One wonders: How early? Did it contribute to the other destructive behaviors? Was it instead a cause of them?

    In any case she was never neurotypical.

    What causes us to be who we are? Biology? Environment? Trauma?

    She died the night I woke up in a sleeping bag in the rain at Mount Tabor Park, Portland, Oregon, and vowed to turn my life around.

  79. When I say you, I mean we. I have no right to judge you separate from myself. We.

    Dirt is a pretty awful spokesmodel for Anarchism, and so is every other real anarchist ever. What do you mean you draw the line at eating rotten meat out of a dumpster, you bourgeois holier-than-thou fuck?

    I don’t wish his life on myself or anyone.

    I do feel for him, and to a point I admire him.

    I wonder which aquifer he means, right there at the end.

  80. Two minutes that tell you all you need to know about Joe, the Rogan

    Vigorously endorsing Bernie didn’t make him a socialist.
    Shooting up a little horse paste, or even offering mild praise for a troll like DeSantis, don’t make him into a right-winger.

    Those terms are almost devoid of meaning in 2022 anyway.

    What he is, is a barometer of the good-hearted American Everyman.

    And if Everyman is more interested in DeSantis than Biden or some Bootygig, the Democratic Party better wake up and smell the fucking coffee before it’s too late.
    (Spoiler alert: They won’t.)

  81. The persecution of Alina Lipp and Graham Phillips (for reporting from Ukraine)

    Alina Lipp is in the same position as Mr. Phillips, except she’s German, and Germany has not only frozen her accounts, but her father’s too.

    Again with no due process, again for the crime of journalism.

    I don’t care much for Gonzalo the presenter here, but he is one of the very few people covering these free speech and human rights atrocities perpetrated by Western allied governments, that in the post-Assange era are starting to become routine now. Go try and find fair coverage or any coverage of this topic elsewhere and you’ll see what I mean.

    My own half-ass telling of this story isn’t a crusade, or a left-hand virtue signal. I’m not trying to wake you or change your thoughts, or to motivate you to action based on those thoughts. It’s much more selfish than that.

    I’m just trying to figure out what to do myself. I’m trying to wrestle honestly with the question of who I’ve been and who I should be.

  82. The bitter end of taking Nina Turner seriously

    Like Sabrina says, it’s enough to make you tear up, black or white, because the only semi-serious politician we had just went and proved herself to be another careerist squaddie stooping to identity politics when she doesn’t have a good answer to a valid criticism.

  83. Per the big wiki:

    “NM 11 was one of the original numbered routes during the formation of the New Mexico State Highway System in 1912, running from NM 4 in Deming north to NM 43 and NM 12 in Mogollon via Silver City.”

    So in 1936 there definitely was an 11 and it would have run right through Buckhorn, too. (Today the remnant runs south from Deming to the frontera.)

    There’s still no way to know where the diner or ‘Black Mesa’ would have been exactly, but maybe twentyish miles from either Concho or Holbrook, right along the blessed route I’ll be taking again soon.

  84. I love that the woman bringing us up to date on the big continent looks like a Kardashian and yet is smarter than 99% of the bobbleheads in the MSM.
    In that last link in the main post (‘being embraced’), there’s a sweet schadenfreude moment where Yanis Varoufakis is asked a question about China’s motivations by a well-meaning average shitlib. It took some doing, but I located the original source of that moment. It’s from 2018 and you’re welcome of course.

  85. The new cat’s name is Sybil it seems, maybe Cybelle. I’m tempted to snatch her up and take her with me, but I probably won’t, because that needs to be based on what’s best for her, and not what’s best for me.

    I tell you though, she’s a heartbreaker.

  86. Once upon a time in a mythical tiny nowhere interstate place called Wellington, Colorado, I rented a farmhouse, because it was cheaper than any apartment I could find.

    Four winter nights a week at 9 or 10 pm, I would get in my car and drive 20 miles, past the blinking red lights of the WWV worldwide shortwave radio tower, into the little big college town nearby to work the long graveyard shift at Kinko’s Copies for $5.50 an hour, or some impossible exploitative wage like that.

    I had a girlfriend at the time and sometimes she stayed over. More than once, she did one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me, on some of those nights.

    She would see me getting ready to go into town in the dark, and without asking, she would swipe my keys off the desk and go outside in the cold to warm up my car for me, for no other reason than that she cared about me and wanted me to be warm and to feel loved.

    Sometimes I miss her.

  87. The second update of Mr. Christofouru also came with a prize in the bottom of the box. Not one with quite the same personal punch, but maybe just a little more absurdist grim hilarity.

    The prize is an article by ‘Tyler Durden’ at ZeroHedge. It describes in surgical detail how the masterminds of the so-called ‘Fair World Order’ led by Russia and China, are running easy circles around the slow old dull-witted western oligarchs, and how ultimately it’s you and me and Geraldine who end up paying for their evil incompetence.

    Industrialized Europe in particular, as the catspaw of the trans-Atlantic military-industrial complex, is tying itself in knots trying to uphold the sanctions against Russia while at the same time scrambling frantically to find a way around the damage that is doing to they themselves, in the form of 10K electric bills among other things.

    The good news is they may have found one, but the bad news is that their nominal salvation is the very Russian gas under sanction, only routed through a third party and of course marked up astronomically and catastrophically in the process.

    The third party is China, who is not (yet) under sanction.

    It works like this.

    Putin is toying with Germany and the rest of Europe. Oh, you want this energy? You don’t want this energy? I veesh you vould make up your mind, Olaf? Is the turbines ready, Olaf? Yes? No?

    Meanwhile the pipeline to the Eurozone is at 0% of capacity. Yet somehow, Gazprom in Russia is enjoying historic record profits. How in God’s name is this possible? It’s blood simple.

    They’re pumping the goods east instead of West, and China is buying it up.

    And China, which is in recession and not in need of vast stockpiles of gas, is marking it up, and shipping it the long way around through the Malacca Straits and the Suez Canal to … Europe.

    A few clips in conclusion from Durden’s article.

    “… Instead of being dependent on Russia for gas, Europe is now becoming dependent on Beijing instead for its energy – which is still Russian gas, only this time imported from China – which makes a mockery of US geopolitical ambitions to defend a liberal international order with its own energy exports.

    Worse, while Europe could buy Russian LNG for price X, it instead has to pay 2X, 3X or more, just to virtue signal to the world that it won’t fund Putin’s regime, when in reality is is paying extra to both Xi and to Putin, who is collecting a premium price thanks to the overall market scarcity.

    In the end, all Europe has done is replace one energy master (as Trump warned in 2018) with another, even though both are joined at the hip and laughing at the stupidity of Brussels which, under the sage advice of a petulant Scandinavian teenager, made all of this possible just in time for China – which together with Putin now determines Europe’s daily energy intake – to invade Taiwan without a peep from Europe’s virtuous signalers”.

    And here we have the mechanism of Geraldine’s tragedy explained in simple English, and at the same time a vivid expose’ of the bitter irony behind her little blue and yellow Twitter flag.

    Lord save us from ourselves and most especially from our ‘leaders’.

  88. The clarity was very short-lived! Decent lenses for the Sony start at about $500, and routinely cost as much as the camera itself. See the blogger learn.

    I looked at Olympus and Fuji and Panasonic …

    I may end up circling back to the M50 after all, because even though it’s something of a dead-ender when it comes to platform, it does what it’s supposed to, in the present moment.

    I can always buy something else if I ever need to upgrade beyond its entry-level class.

    What I know is that I know nothing.

  89. “I’m 67 years old; it took me a long time to grow up to know that almost everything we hear is not true.

    We are a security state, we have a secret state which runs most our our foreign and military policy, of course, and we don’t hear The Real Thing”.

    –Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University
    as quoted in an interview at the Grayzone

    Dr. Jeff, I can bitterly relate.

  90. I think I finally figured out what Twitter is good for.


    I can dump all the hot-headed political stuff into a tweet while I’m over there posting links to promote the Spill and the MovieFilms.

    That way I’m not bothering you with it here, much less in a family text thread.

    Of course this begs slightly the question of whether Bukowski’s take on the evolution of slavery–things like that, from whoever really–is political or not.

    I’m choosing to answer that question with a tentative No, for prejudiced reasons of my own, as explained in this very comment.

  91. After some late-night testing I figured out the problem. A switch on the mic, one I don’t even use, had got jammed into a halfway position, causing the audio to silently fail.

    The good news is that it still works, so I won’t be blocked from creating video with good audio while waiting for a replacement. The bad news is that I can’t really trust this kit mic under fire, so I do still need to replace it with something better. Which I will do, soon, but it doesn’t have to be tonight in a rush.

    Live and learn.

  92. iss right here is my Debut Collection of Essays

    It might well be the only one I ever write, but it is already very, very long, so there’s that.

    “in a whisper for reasons even I don’t understand” … well, not fully.

    But I read them back over and when I did one right … there is this sort of satisfaction hung somewheres between fierce and grim, conquery and all lit up like silent star fire happy inside. And …

    I don’t want to get rich quick or slow anymore. I quit playing the lottery to symbolize it.

    In a perfect world I’d have one film a year go viral out through a barely monetized clutch of subscribers and it would suck in enough few tens of thousands to paint the house and stock a freezer and put a set of tires on the truck and an old trailer and I’m off to the Ro-De-O.

    That’s clover just tall enough for an overeducated Verde Terran shitkick son of a biscuit.

  93. Deuteronomy 18

    “If any prophet presumptuously speaks a word in my name that I did not command him to speak … that prophet must die. However, you may say in your heart: ‘How will we know that Jehovah has not spoken the word’? When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word is not fulfilled or does not come true, then Jehovah did not speak that word. The prophet spoke it presumptuously. You should not fear him.”


  94. The reason JD is particularly relevant in this one news cycle is …

    When he tried to get the ‘Squad’ to get concessions (just a single vote on the floor over M4A to get politicians on the record) in exchange for their votes to elect Pelosi as speaker again, that was called #ForceTheVote.

    The mainstream Dems, including the so-called squaddies, including the shitlib media like TYT, either ignored him or reviled him for not being a good team player.
    Right now with the exact shoe on the other foot, the Repub-squad of non-moderates is taking the same #FTV idea and running with it, because it’s a great idea. Extract concessions from the establishment centrists, the McCarthy’s, the Pelosis–even if they’re only symbolic–in order for your Speaker vote to at least be worth something in a losing fight, right?

    AOC and her little band of pretend rebels didn’t do that, because they’re not actually Left anymore, if they ever were to begin with. When push comes to shove, they’re just careerists and opportunists and nancy-licking toadies, and Sinemas in sheep’s clothing (or an edgy, deceitful TaxTheRich dress, if you prefer).

  95. Late Breaking DueDiss livestream that long-forms the above argument …

    DD 1/5/23

    … with the additional advantages of proving that

    –Ana Kasparian is really dumb, totally corrupt, or both;
    –Every Dem in the house, ditto;
    –the ‘Squad’s’vote on the railroad worker’s affair was what scabs would do;
    –right and left don’t matter and you can throw ‘progressive’ on the same pile now;
    –the market for ’employees’ is terribly overheated, according to ‘Employers’ who are whining most pitifully about having to pay anything but the most brutally feudal wages to said employees, giving said employees the ‘power’ to have their pick now of which soul-crushing starvation-level job to spend their lives doing.

  96. The Lie on the domestic front is simple and straightforward.

    Who knows if even Social Security will be there when you need it! So set your alarm, and be a good drone (in a white collar if you’re smart about it), and lay your life blood down on the altar of The Job … or else. It’s the offer almost no one can refuse. Either your signature, or your brains, will be on this contract by the time we take our leave.

    Greenwald’s video is mostly about the Lie as it applies overseas. But don’t worry. You’ll still be a main character in that plot too.

    The ranchers could not give two shits about the noble sovereignty of Ukraine, and they don’t care even a little about maimed babies or homeless grandmas. (Like dear Albright said, half a million dead ones? Totally worth it.) Just as in Iraq, caring is YOUR job, and you’ll be given all the tools to do that job by the CNNs and NPRs of the world.

    GG points out that the RAND corp came out with a little study the other day, and it said–we’re reaching the limits of what we can expect in Ukraine, in a return-on-investment way. The Germans don’t buy Russian gas anymore; they buy ours instead. We blew up the Nordstream. We’ve isolated Europe from Russia diplomatically. It might just be time to call it a day and let the remaining bodies fall as they might.

    So–expect your media sources to shortly begin talking you off the ledge when it comes to the evil Russian threat, and further expect that as the attention of the Leviathan shifts away from the hapless Ukrainians, it will turn more and more to the evil Chinese threat–a fresh new profit center. Your job will be to hate that Xi like you hated Vlad. To weep for, I dunno, Taiwanese babies being tossed from their incubators or some made-up shit like that, because Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow told you to. To put whatever colors are on the island flag up on your Twitter bio and wave them proudly.

    All in the grand tradition that seemed to start with Bush in Iraq, but has in fact been going on since at least the invention of the three letter agencies right after the One Decently Good War. The ones who gunned down JFK and functional democracy in one high-powered rifle shot in Dallas, all those years ago. Ne pas oublier, and I say it only to prove how suavely continental I really am, my Darlings.

  97. An unrelated factoid from the same source.

    China is graduating 3 times as many engineers as the US.

    Over time, that’s gonna tell too.

  98. Beneath the video you can find explanations of the atrocities mentioned and who committed them, and the guilty parties include the RULERS of Turkey, the Soviet Union, Germany, China, and the Khmer Rouge. All the events occurred in the 20th century, except of course the last one, the Democide of the 2020s.

    You are living through the start of that one right now.

    If you think ‘Democide’ is too strong a word, you probably need to check out what is happening in France right now.

    Not to mention of course what is happening much closer to where you live–it’s just harder to see that part because and and I are just little fish in that great water.

    I’m asking you nicely.


  99. A completely and utterly unrelated reference to a personal text thread I’m on.

    I don’t give a shit about the fate of The Dominion Voting System Corporation.

    I don’t give a shit about the fate of Fox News.

    I do care about you all, and in spite of my bright, chipper, well-informed and reasonable tone on the day’s events in regard to this story, these kinds of conversations depress me all out of proportion.

    It bothers the hell out of me to see such smart and caring people picking a team side and whooping it up whenever their team scores, heedless of the fact that both sides are deeply corrupt shitshows that have, and continue to make such a worsening mess out of this country, its Constitution, and the whole godless world.

    The 72-year-old Grandma abides in her Volvo for a year.

    The latest war continues to fulfill its prime function as a laundromat for blood and treasure that belong rightly to you and me, and as the thing falls into chaos and hell all we can think about is starting the next version of the same thing in Taiwan, because China Bad for some dimly understood bullshit reason.

    Democracy is a dead farce.

    Everybody on both teams already killed off the 4th Amendment and is hell bent on killing off the First next.

    No, I’m not cheering.

    No, I won’t be coming to the fucking party.

    This is why. My apologies.

  100. The link goes to The Kim Iverson show and she interviews MT personally about all this in the first segment.

    In the second, she speaks with a former spook who tells you what is really going on with the sudden flare-up of war in Sudan, and throughout the Middle East and the horn of Africa, in the aftermath of the successful Chinese peace efforts there.

    In the third, and on a lower journalistic level, she speaks with a self-described right-wing, Team-Trump reporter about the many venal and venial crimes of one Ron DeSantis, and other assorted mainstream Repubs.

    I’m listening while packing.

  101. When I initially commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a cmment is added I get several e-mails
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    Thank you!

  102. GG did an equally long segment after this one. On the surface it was about the Montana governor trying to ban TikTok.

    I love this man, for being so good at doing this one part of what I try to do.

    Namely to inspire the questioning of assumptions and established authorities.

  103. Not sure why I picked up my phone just one more time before bed.
    This is why.
    Love ya brah!
    Thinking of you as well.

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  105. Democracy, Part Deux

    If you’re so inclined, go search on “Devon Archer”, pick the link of your choice, and open your mind.

    Mr. Archer was Hunter Biden’s business partner, and he’s talking out loud now.

    Joe Biden is headed for impeachment as a result, and he deserves it more than that stupid ugly orange game show host ever did.

  106. My relatives all the time say that I am wasting
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  107. I left one thing out.

    You know that story they gave you about nailing the fucker on a crime so heinous that he would be forbidden from being elected, or even running again?

    That was a lie too, to get you all het up to taste legal blood.

    The Constitution sets a very low bar for who can be President. Basically it says you have to be a citizen 35 or older.

    He can run from prison if he wants. He could even win.

    Personally I’ll vote for Dr. West if I have the chance. But, just spitballing, if you offer me a choice only between more of this fumbling doddering two-Americas imperialist death rattle (under Joe or Prettyboy Newsome or Little Twinkie Petey), and a mush-head rube run afoul of this corrupt so-called Justice System …

    I’m going to have to seriously consider my fellow prisoner, regardless of what I think of him, just out of an inappropriate solidarity.

    Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that; and all due apologies in advance.

  108. “What do you think of us? That we are your slaves and that we will do whatever you ask of us? We are friends of Russia, and we are also friends of the United States. We are friends of China and Europe. We are not part of any alliance.” –Imran Khan

    For positions like this, he was called “aggressively neutral” like that was a bad thing, and removed from power.

  109. Next year the Uniparty Borg will hold another election, and that James McMurtry song will reach the age of 20 years.

    When it came out it was the stone cold truth. It still is.

    When it came out you and I were just starting to wake up to the fact that the Bush wars were all about the one big bougie lie. Maybe in another twenty we’ll be able to see the same about the wars of Old Joe, if god is willing we should live so long.

    All I’m saying is: why wait?

  110. You never knew what i loved in you
    I don’t know what you loved in me
    Maybe the picture of somebody
    you were hoping i might be

    Awake again i can’t pretend
    and i know i’m alone
    and close to the end
    of the feeling we’ve known

    How long have i been sleeping
    How long have i been drifting alone through the night
    How long have i been running for that morning flight

    Through the whispered promises and the changing light
    Of the beds where we both lie

    Late for the sky


    After the second World War (in which Russia paid the highest price for defeating Hitler), and the revelations about the holocaust, the Western powers said to the Jews:

    “Oh you poor people. Look what that bad German man did to you. Tell you how we make it up to you.”

    “First off, if you’re a rocket scientist, come live with us in peace and freedom with no discrimination. You can make our bombs.”

    “Second, if you’re not a rocket scientist, but just a plain old Jew, we’re going to give you a land of your own! Never mind the pesky natives. We never do. I’m sure it will work out fine.”

    Imagine for a moment that half your family had their homes taken away and were killed, and that some good Christian people felt sorry for you–to a point. They don’t want to share their homes with you. But they say instead: We’re going to kick these other people, totally uninvolved in the displacement and the gassing, and we’re going to kick them out of their homes so you have a place to stay.

    What would you say to that?

    The Zionists said hell yeah, o-kay!

    And they’ve been practicing holocaust upon those native peoples ever since.

    Do Jews have a right to exist, or to defend themselves? Of course they do.

    But does the modern Israeli state have a right to exist and defend itself? A right? Well fuck no! They’re living on land that the West stole for them.

    Their relentless colonization projects have meant that the reservations of the native Palestinian tribes keep shrinking, and the screws on them have been turned ever harder, until now the Zionists feel perfectly cool about murdering them by the thousands, and telling them to leave–(like leave to where, you literally fascistic fucks?).

    The current theocratic regime down there would never even consider the peaceful coexistence of a one-state solution, and though for a while they paid lip service to a permanent two-state solution, they never actually wanted the Palestinians as equal neighbors. They just wanted them to go away, forever.

    The only remaining solution is a Final Solution of Liquidation. A genocide. An ethnic cleansing of the ‘holy’ lands.

    So that’s what’s going down now.

  111. I truly thought it was only an original Cake song, but Doris set me straight.

    Even more revelatory is that her version, wayyy back then, was itself only a cover of the earlier original.

    When it was first written both Wanda and Lynne were gorgeous little pinafore girls, and it was written in Spanish: Quizas, Quizas, Quizas.

    With the same message in a bottle intention, in the same allegedly Foreign spirit: Bei Mir Bist Du Schön, which the Germans themselves translate to mean: ‘with me, you are beautiful”.

    This in the anglais could mean, and here very much DOES mean, many different things at once.

    That’s what poetry is best for and at, and why I continue to try both ineptly and in odd moments eptly, to practice it like I do.

  112. Samson tole Delilah–Loud and Clear
    Keep your cotton-picking fingers off my curly head of hair!

    Oh yeah.
    Ever since the world began.

  113. Your writing style is pure magic! The way you weave words together creates a captivating narrative. Your stories are a joy to read.

  114. You know what ….

    Maybe that plumbing was planned to be used for a utility sink, not a tub.

    I wouldn’t mind having one of those either.

    Not that it’s a hunger, like for the bathtub, but …

    Simpler and cheaper, for sure.

  115. If you loved the ‘UKR’ part, you’ll really love the Israel piece.

    Half a billion to ‘non-profits’ to fight ‘anti-semitism’.

    Specifically forbids funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the only org capable of providing mass scale humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza, as they used to do *before* the Jerusalem regime started starving the Palestinians outright and unapologetically.

    “All House Democrats joined 101 Republicans in voting Yes for providing $60.8B in Ukraine aid on 311-112 vote. All 112 voting No were Republicans.”

    There is no such thing anymore as an anti-war Democrat, and the “Squad” is a lying joke.

    What a world … what an Empire.

  116. Your parenting tips are a lifesaver! Navigating parenthood can be challenging, and your practical advice makes the journey a bit smoother.

  117. I see this post is attracting some very high quality spammers. I am darkly amused, and stripping the comments of the spam parts and then letting them through even though no one is likely to ever see it–Parenting tips? In a post about the murder of aid workers by a state. Good lord, dear Dramago, yes, a very grim chuckle is the only possible response; vaya con su diosa.

  118. The same Monbiot, calling for mass rewilding, while noting that grass-fed beef and pastured-raised free range chickens are a recipe for disaster.


    A small farmer disagrees.

    They’re both right, and yet neither one has a compelling solution.

    The ugly truth is that the planet cannot support eight billion people and skyrocketing in any way that is ‘sustainable’, much less ‘regenerative’.

    The bad choices were made long ago. The alleged Progress that those choices engendered is out of control. There isn’t a Way out, as far as I can tell.


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    these attractions provides unique experiences that highlight Tukwila’s diverse cultural and recreational offerings.

    (editor’s note: this shit goes on twice as long but I’m chopping it here)

  120. Pingback: Aztec Strategery | a book called spill

  121. For our respite on weekend in Sandrock, we are booked 2 nights 6 blocks from homestead.
    Can alter if needed but planned oasis for us to use as needed.

  122. Responsive takes. No shortage of opinions in the world, and our always-on world has shifted the primary platform from the water cooler and the coffee shop to our many devices.
    Opinions are interesting. Much can be learned from the opinions of others.
    That learning may have value to the individual. A tiny impact. Multiply learning by actions, and that impact can grow exponentially. Actions matter. Enough of the TV pundits who talk more than act.
    I believe that we create our own reality thru our words, deeds, and choices. However, this creation fades as we consider broader issues where we have less…or no control. You can’t control the weather, as the saying goes.
    And, so it is that we are frequently tasked with making what we consider to be a suboptimal decision. A choice between alternatives that are not of our choosing. Yet, action is important. Even a suboptimal choice is a way to have a bit of control in an otherwise uncontrollable situation. The real bonus: making a choice can also turn down the volume inside our heads. The voices of countless alternatives that we might prefer, that are not realistic. Making a choice between the available options is not giving up. It is being brave enough to assess the situation, stop the spin in our heads, and make a choice. It allows us to move on.

  123. Good to see you.

    I take and like your point about reality creation and its limitations. Most of us here are a few steps up old Maslow’s Pyramid and thus quite blessed in that regard, but being truly free (even just unenslaved) is still a struggle no matter how ascended we are.

    The band Rush had a lyric once upon a time, probably cribbed from some libertarian thinker, about choosing not to decide and how that is still a choice.

    I’m not quite sure where that fits into this dialogue.

    But I can say that a finer focus on the “changing the things I can change” part of life seems to be serving me well. And on that broadest of all scores, it feels good to Take Up Arms Against A Sea of Troubles with you nearby in the same platoon.

  124. Well, I have reserved a rental, which can be canceled. My thoughts are to combine travels to see Iowa before nuptials. We can talk about it soon, there’s plenty of time to plan. 😜
    Kisses mister. 💋

  125. Getting out and feeling helpful/useful to others is sometimes it’s own reward. Enjoy! I’m proud of you. 😘💋💝

    • Her press is the “Cadillac” at $95 or $225 depending on size.

      The cheaper cast iron one is actually more useful (like an SUV) for reasons described here:

      Then there’s making one DIY:

      And … similar three tiers with just buying tortillas …

      Masienda now has organic ones, .50 apiece (12 carbs each)

      The Mi Rancho from NatGro, my staple, .33 (7 carbs each)

      Putting in the extra effort + expense of a press, and making them from scratch with Masienda’s masa: .15 each

      The plot thickens, like kneaded dough.

  126. Is the sending poop down the new toilet a hopeful metaphor for the “stupidest election of our lifetime “? 🤔💩🚽🧻🙃

    • I’m not sure about hopeful, but the rest of your formulation works for me, in the same way as the theory about Them being actual lizard people.

      Valid whether true or not.

  127. Oh, I believe they are. That’s why Saturday mornings stopped having Land of the Lost air.
    The government didn’t want any information exposed to their true identity. 🙀😹🤣😂🤣

  128. It is our destiny, or at least our desire, to survive , prosper, and share kindness in the world.

    • D’accord.

      We perceive it to be in our interests, to go on existing rather than the opposite.

      Then to exist in Prosperity, however we choose to define the word, and alas too often heedless of who else prospers, or withers back to the dust as everything must. Sooner, later.

      Maybe sharing for its own sake is the answer to why I persist with this project, and the nature of real Kindness is as elusive, even as evasive, as the nature of love, whether romantic or familial or tribal or divine.

      Maslow’s pyramid applies.