Wash It All

Authors William Strauss and Neil Howe … argue that those born between 1961 and 1964 are part of Generation X rather than the Baby Boomers because they are distinct from the Boomers in terms of cultural identity and shared historical experiences. –Wikipedia’ GenX page

Race, gender, age, subcategories and branching labels, whatever.

Today I’m a thirtysomething multiracial androgyne with no criminal record except for that civil disobedience rap in Brooklyn.

One thought on “Wash It All

  1. Insignificant labels, yes. But perhaps a breadcrumb to help explain why I feel like a blue flower in a field of poppies sometimes.
    No badges? I disagree. I prefer to wear my eccentricities like a badge for all to see.
    There was a time when conformance was my MO. That has faded, and is fading faster with recent events. Bring on the change. Celebrate the differences.

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