, if you want.
Work and work and chronic stress and pain and pain to get a little bit of specialized pleasure. Dr. Christopher Ryan on the Jimmy Dore show.
This is the same anarcho-primitivist argument I made in my thesis, last time around in a degree plan. The wrong turn into agriculture, taking us straight down the road to misery and climate doom.
I never did quite figure out what to do about it. Often the answer is to ‘re-wild’ ourselves and our planet. That’s not really much of an option for most people in most places. Chris Ryan says that if we have to live in a zoo, we should make it a good one. Meh. I do agree with him about the slave state of believing in “The Dignity of Work”, and other shams.
Speaking of, at the local level, I sat down with the Dean for an hour this morning. It was every bit as bad as I imagined. Afterwards the K man asked me how it was and I said: proctological. Which made him laugh. And me too a little.
The guy with the shelf full of books about ‘management’ is hopelessly misguided about what we’re even doing, and he made a pretty good attempt to convince me that I’m bad at what I do. Without using those words of course. So at the very end I said hey man, the way I feel about it, I’m very good at what I do, and every week I get better.
Stick that in your ass pipe and smoke it bruh.
I assume that our little interview today will be the deciding moment when it comes to whether I’ll be asked back for another year.
The bottom line is that it makes no difference if I am. Because if I’m still here in September, that’s a bigger failure than getting axed in May. Success is an escape to other pastures. Greener would be good, but not strictly required.
It would be nice to have that next letter of appointment as a fallback, but I’d be sad if I needed it, y’know?
Happy would be getting out, especially in a way that meant no rent coming out of the budget, and the budget not dropping too hard overall either. Then two years of that. Then some dues are paid and everything changes again.
Chris Ryan says: worrying about scarcity in a hypothetical future is the modern disease.
Chris Ryan says: live in your Sprinter van at least in summer. I like that advice and I’m a little jealous of his van.
In the future tomorrow … I’ll tell you about the cat.