Is This One Political?

You decide.

To me … it’s yes or no depending on where you decide to wall off ‘politics’ from … cat memes or whatever.

Elitist Detachment From Reality

There’s plenty of electoral-adjacent politics in it, but IMHO this is a story of the increasingly divergent two Americas.

The America of manicured lawns in Arlington, Virginia, let’s say, and the other, of somebody’s dead couch on the banks of the Puerco a mile from where I sit, or somebody’s ripped-away propane tank on the banks of some river running past Chimney Rock, North Carolina.

If you live in the Arlington-America or some cozy cottage in the Hamptons, then of course you’re much more likely to vote for the person that represents all your life stands for–No Matter Who, or how they even ended up being the nominee.

Most places are not those places. That’s what makes you elite, and why your life is full of Celebrations. You’re glad about it, and maybe you have every right to be. Maybe you feel you’ve Earned it, and … maybe you have indeed. Bootstraps. Beating the odds. Rising up from the humble circumstances of this or that shithole to be a Success according to the logic of the Successful, thanks to the help of this or that Saint.

The shitholes still exist, nevertheless, out there beyond the gate and the guard shack. They are growing, becoming the norm across the fruited plains, and becoming ever-shittier by the month.

It costs ever-more to live in them, and it is ever-harder to figure out a way to do it and break even, much less prosper.

If you do live in them your perspectives are going to diverge sharply from the perspectives taken for granted within the air-conditioned studios of ABC News, or Fox or The Hill or whatever.

You will believe, and act, and vote, in accordance with your Interests as you perceive them, either way.

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