I Got A Job

It’s been a real productive kind of day.

I got up and reconnected the drain for the kitchen sink and did a big load of dishes.

Then I took a long hot shower.

And then, since that was all going so well, I plugged in the washing machine and trepidatiously ran a load for the first time in a few months. For Science.

There was some gurgling, to be sure, but no flood. Not even a little one. So I ran a second load to be sure, and shitfire, no more laundromats for this folksy Knucklehead. In the short term anyway.

There are still unanswered questions about the plumbing. They will need to be addressed, before I can feel good about going ahead with the install of the new toilet. But it’s just the toilet now. Life is going to be easier, this weekend.

After that I went out for water and avocados. I ran into Steakhouse Jake. We talked about Saint Julian, and Jeffrey Sachs too. Unlike ANY other person in my real life ever, Jake brings the subject of Assange up routinely (I think because I brought him up first, in class, back when Jake was my student). He asked me if I’d quit the YouTubes and I told him no, even though there was no video in September, I wasn’t done. I am admittedly not sure why I’m not done …

But we didn’t get into that, in the checkout line.

On the way back to the bunker I saw a random sign for a Senior Health Fair and so I drove to it.

Things were just about over when I got there. But this one big Christian and/or Mormon guy, older than me I’m guessing, rushed up with a paper he wanted me to fill out. The paper wanted to know if I might be interested in meals, served there at the SeniorCenter/FoodBank, at reasonable prices (I got the impression they were going after some kind of grant for that).

So I told the form that I was strictly organic keto, and unless they were too, I’d probably not make many appearances at dinnertime–once at least though, just to see.

I handed the paper in to the good man and I said Hey Good Man. I got a couple of buckets full of rice and beans and stuff that are more than I can eat. Could you make use of them here?

He said sure, bring ’em. So I did, right away.

As we were stocking his pantry with my dry goods, I asked him what else I could do to help.

He said there was a truck coming Wednesday at 9 AM and I could help unload it.

So I will do that.

That’s the job. Sorry not sorry for the clickbait title.

I’m looking forward to lumping freight, and to seeing where else these mysterious moments might lead.

2 thoughts on “I Got A Job

  1. Getting out and feeling helpful/useful to others is sometimes it’s own reward. Enjoy! I’m proud of you. 😘💋💝

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