Water Maybe Aliens

A long blazing trail in a short time.

The idea of getting a bunch of Comptia certs never felt quite right, for now at least. I stumbled over some lesser but adequate ones via MOOCs like Coursera and EDX. You take a free self-paced course, but pay maybe $99 each for lesser certs that prove you completed them. I knocked out Week One in all three classes last night, and I kept saying to myself “I could do this and better”.

So this morning I started looking around at some of the platforms and how to get to the point of teaching on them. A lot of the information I found was crass and gross. There are a lot of get-rich-quick types slopping out courses at some of these places.

But one wouldn’t have to do it in such an ugly way. I could do a good job like in the real classes. Monetize the skill in an alternate way, but still soberly and with integrity. I’ve been mulling real hard.

Then I went back to drone piloting and prepped tomorrow night’s class time completely. There will still be afternoon work tomorrow, but it’s the extra credit stuff. I’m caught up in the important things, and there’s roughly a month to go before break starts.

The glide path to the solstice is aligning like three coatis.

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