GNU 17 (truckstuff)

The last 100-degree day, theoretically.

I’m celebrating it as a kind of holiday and a kind of birthday, but the festivities and the rationale for that will live behind the passing-word. If you were inclined to investigate–participate–you would already know what to do about that and if wishes were buffalo I could fly through primitivist life as a bison hunter.

Let’s leave all that behind in the fictional realm where it belongs and houseclean together instead joyfully.


Riley is refusing to vote this time, but also refusing adamantly to go to your pointedly fake meow march. (I mean you and I know that it isn’t your march, belonging instead to that Andy Borowitz guy, and that the fakery is intended to be amusing this time on top of being a comforting lie, but he’s only a cat and doesn’t keep up on things like we superior mammals do [insert gentle onefingered teammate chest tap here, yeah for sure].)


That’s sort of it, except that a couple of perennial blossoms have re-emerged as candidates for discrete identity shards, not quite big ones like anarchy or belles lettres but larger than little sprats like raggedy-man or šrdnn.

There’s a reason you know well who Bill Gates is, and Steve Jobs was, but have at best barely heard of Richard Stallman, and the reason is because that’s what they want you to know well. (part2) (part3)

Based on that insight I am choosing to identify with F/LOSS and especially GNU, which is a recursive acronym that stands for GNU’s Not Unix. In a former life I was a professor of it.

The other is a cyberpunk aesthetics and the reason for that is the subject of yesterday’s post–no need to rehash again today.