pǝƃɹǝɯqnS (From The Top)

So free George so veryff …

Tree people watched twenty percent of it four more straggled in for ten.

So now vair close your mouth and begin again.

Liberté is nothing left to lose and that equals égalité of a kind.

Fraternité with the differently broken one who cashiers at the station of gas I reckon.

Thirteen stars, the extra for the New California Republic, and Havasu too in blue.


On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep: here the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes (but who are you to call me haughty)
What is that? which the breeze, o’er the towering steep, as it fitfully blows half conceals, half discloses? (your grandfather’s grandfather was a minuteman)
And what janky beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Omaha to be spit out?

I never did learn its name but the acquaintance, yeah yeah, that much was made.


Beginning again, from the top or otherwise, can start in many places, and is starting in a carefully chosen few.

The driveway up to the front door knob is one of them. The wallet is another, and I could say Art or the Work is a third, which is naturally true, but …

Since I’m not scribbling in physical notebooks anymore, but rather here, and since making films is inevitably rooted in technology too, and since (in my case) most any other medium I have got or might get serious about is the same …

The drive way in this case is a hard drive.

The first thing you lay down on a hard drive is an operating system.

This is the one I will choose.

antiX Linux: Proudly anti-fascist “antiX Magic”

Birdy in the hand for life’s rich demand:
The insurgency began and you missed it

I looked for it and I found it
Miles Standish proud, congratulate me

Let’s begin again like Martin Luther Zen
The mythology begins the begin

Answer me a question I can’t itemize
I can’t think clear, you look to me for reason

No you don’t.

It’s not there.

I can’t even fucking rhyme

here in the begin