
I didn’t see any unusual zoological specimens today. (Are you not relieved?)

The specimens were all peeps and the peeps were mostly students. Twice I told them. Everybody cares about cybersecurity. But only you care about privacy. Are you going to listen to the corporate shills when they tell you Privacy Is Dead, Get Over It? Are you going to listen to your politicians when they say big government and big business should use encryption, but you as an individual should not, by law?

No you are not because you are better than that.

You believe that the fourth amendment is still worth fighting for even if the Bushies shit all over it and the Obamalamans said yup thass right, that’s the poop we want and have a drone strike on your wedding day for irony’s sake yes I really do think.

You’ll listen to what Mr. Snowden has to say, even if you are poorly informed by your standard media outlets and are skeptical of his motives.

That’s what I conjecture when I mull about you anyway and I’m hoping I’m right not because I want to be the right one, but because hope springs, beneath this stylishly weathered old man exterior pose that presents itself to you not with inalienable truth, but with the version of such that comports with keeping my job just a little longer.

Next semester on the other hand should be a real barn-burner.

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