Gall and Anarchy

At the very moment that my professional life started to crash and burn a few years back, my body developed a number of symptoms. The most obvious and pronounced was a deep chronic pain in my shoulders, one of them in particular.

With reduced stress, from not having a job or a bossMassa at all, it has slowly gotten a bit better over time, but I still have it.

Last night this Dr. Ekberg guy, one of my keto gurus, pretty much blew me away.

Is it possible that shoulder pain is not a symptom purely of political betrayal and stress, but additionally, maybe primarily, of poor gall bladder function?

He clearly thinks so.

I don’t know exactly how follow-the-Sciency this is.

But I am enough convinced of it to have already sought out some remedies that support improved gall bladder health. “Bile salts” is the generic name for the main one.

Another significant experiment, in this ongoing process of biohacking. There are a surprising number of them, and they have been preoccupying me to a surprising degree.

This is what you get for loving and/or reading this particular grizzled old coot.

Not endless discussion about the latest gall bladder surgery, or what the doctor said, or what I’m going to ask at the next appointment.

There are no appointments. I don’t make them and I don’t want to start.

There is pretty much no such thing as “health care” in America. There is only being “in the system” and the system the doctors run bears a striking resemblance to being “in the system” in the original meaning, the penal one.

No real medicine.

No real justice.

Endless appropriations instead for bombs and killing and corruption and weapons-maker fat cats. How you doing today Ukraine? (and how’s it going over there in apartheid land, you homicidal Zionists?)

This is our world in the Empire, as we transition from being The Leader Of The Free World to just another shithole on some continent somewhere.

In some weird limited sense I am already living the anarchic life that I often profess as the antidote to it all.