
There would be more to say, but really you’d have to dream alongside me, because most of it was sleep. With dishes and laundry and oversimplified homemade eats in between. Toward the end I burned up some extra bandwidth by looking at calorie-rich video about interesting people like Orson Welles and Andy Kaufman.

But mostly sleep, because although I’m handling all these meetings formal and informal with a healthy measure of aplomb, they are, as they have always been, draining as hell.

During them I learned intuitively that the micro-zeitgeist agrees with my assertion that they need me more than I need them.

The Colonel thanked me for being such a team player, and it made me laugh–inside to myself of course, but honestly. The only thing that’s changed, Sir, is that I’ve abandoned any effort to groom your opinion of me. I quit caring and suddenly it spikes upward.

Life is so weird. Or perhaps it’s just the people. I don’t know them or how they work. I never have and I think it’s a safe bet that I never will.

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