The Civilized Lie, Episode 1

I Ate 100 EGGS In 7 Days: Here’s What Happened To My CHOLESTEROL

There’s a key point in this video about why “following the science” in the modern world is not the right thing for a truly smart person to do.

Why? Because science is made up of studies, and if even the most rigorous study doesn’t show the results that the funders and Owners of it want that study to show …

It gets buried instead of promoted, out to other scientists, much less to the media that you end up reading, about whether wine or coffee or covid shots are good for you.

For this reason among others, nine out of ten studies never get published.

So when you Follow the other 10% that do, you are in fact not Following Science–you are only following the Science that the people with the Deep Pockets want you to follow.

And thus you will be led astray.

More: What If It Was 5 Eggs A Day (instead of 15), but For 30 Days?


Today the Supreme Court hears a case on whether governments can ban “sleeping outdoors in public”, even if there are no alternatives for shelter. The link is to a nice ‘balanced’ take on that story.

I don’t feel very balanced about it though.

Maybe that’s just me.