The Duopoly Strikes Gold

You heard that they finally figured out the scheme to shovel $60 billion more ‘at Ukraine’.

Maybe you cheered.

79% of that money is going straight to American industrialists, aka Eisenhower’s ‘military industrial complex’.

Source: The not-Speaker-for-too-much-longer called Mike Johnson

Please don’t worry about him, though. He’s set for life, being the hero who passed the bill that was 80 percent pure pork, another “ten percent for the big guy”, and then the scraps which will do the people of Ukraine exactly zero good, and probably a whole hell of a lot of harm in the end.

One thought on “The Duopoly Strikes Gold

  1. If you loved the ‘UKR’ part, you’ll really love the Israel piece.

    Half a billion to ‘non-profits’ to fight ‘anti-semitism’.

    Specifically forbids funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the only org capable of providing mass scale humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza, as they used to do *before* the Jerusalem regime started starving the Palestinians outright and unapologetically.

    “All House Democrats joined 101 Republicans in voting Yes for providing $60.8B in Ukraine aid on 311-112 vote. All 112 voting No were Republicans.”

    There is no such thing anymore as an anti-war Democrat, and the “Squad” is a lying joke.

    What a world … what an Empire.

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