I don’t care for Trump, or the FoxNews-era Tucker, or for black-lady conservative Candace Owens.
Candace Owens Schools Chris Cuomo About Vladimir Putin
But if all you have on offer instead is Biden/Harris, Anderson Cooper, and dear Chris Cuomo …
It’s not only no, dear heart, but hell no. They’re not even lesser evils anymore.
Then when you and the NYT hold RFKjr and possible running mates Jesse Ventura and Aaron Rodgers up to me in a way that already assumes that I’m thoroughly propagandized and ready to start screaming shrilly that they’re crazy! Mad! Off the rails! Impossible!
… Your assumption is simply incorrect.
I don’t know much about Rodgers, except I guess he’s supposed to be half-Trumper or something. Whatever.
But I’ve listened to hours of Jesse Ventura, and I don’t think he’s one bit crazy, even though he certainly looks the part most of the time. I agree with him on the substance of most things.
As for RFK, I guess you’re a-flutter because he’s an evil “anti-vaxxer” (you can let me know if my assumption in turn is also incorrect). I’m not going to get into that too deeply here, but I’m pretty sure you’d dismiss me as one too, if you understood my views on the subject. So that doesn’t bother me.
I would have a very hard time voting for Kennedy based on the things I’ve heard him say and watched him do on the question of the Israeli apartheid state, and all those thousands of collaterally damaged and collectively punished (to death) children in the open-air concentration camp in Gaza.
Putting that single issue aside reluctantly, I believe RFK is the very definition of the new lesser evil.
Does it not appeal to you at all that he might actually begin to effectively challenge the dark powers that murdered his father, and his uncle? … and still to this day subvert ‘democracy’ and the will of the People at every turn?
Standing on the same side of the cultural line as those forces, and wanting me to point fingers and laugh and WTH with you at poor crazy Junior, from over there …
No, that ain’t happening, sis.
Nevah nevah evah.
Sorry for the buzzkill.