Speak Of The Devil

An unbelievable story about a journalist being arrested and dragged to court in leg chains for the crime of saying the wrong flippant thing to bacon with a gun.

Oh, and the remarks happened three years before the arrest …

I guess he was covering the wrong things all this time and they finally decided to make an example of his reporter ass over nothing.

Maybe it’s not quite so unbelievable any more.

Julian Assange is dying for our sins.


As the big fat fascists grow more evil and afraid, the little and the good resist, and get braver.

Soldiers Burn Their Uniforms At Aaron Bushnell Rally

Always remember how the First Responder at Aaron’s suicide naturally responded.

He drew his gun.

On a burning, dying man.

It’s really hard to understand what the fuck is wrong with these people.

And I don’t mean the ones lighting fires.