Aaand 9-0, Bayotches

I’ll say it again. I am no fan of the Donald.

But I am no fan of lawfare deployed against the will of the People either, whether against Julian Assange, Stephen Donziger, Alexi Navalny, Nelson Mandela, the January 6 Shaman, John F. Kennedy, or myself.

When the Colorado Supreme Court voted to ban Trump from the state’s ballot, the vote was 4-3. All seven members of the court were appointed by Democrats and presumably anti-Trump as well. But the four in the majority were all educated as lawyers at Ivy League schools.

The three that legally said, “This is stupid and wrong”, which it is, went to local and less prestigious law schools.

Does that tell you anything? Maybe?

Today all nine Supremes, the liberal women included, agreed with those three.

Darlings, my vote, and yours, will never count for nearly as much. But you should cast yours in good faith in November, and hope like hell it isn’t counted by a Diebold machine, or lost in the fog of war … I even promise to forgive you if you vote for that babykilling dementia case or whoever they prop up in his doddering place. We all make mistakes.

The real threat to democracy isn’t Raging White Rurals. It isn’t the Orange Man. It isn’t too many of the People being dumb or too pissed off to see straight.

It’s the minority that went to good schools, speak well and dress well, and somehow got convinced that their way is the smart way, the right way, the American way.

Rachel Maddow is way more of a threat to actual democracy than Joe Sixpack, or Joe Rogan.

Anderson Vanderbilt-Cooper never met a war he didn’t like.

Every single Senator is ugly and wrong and evil in varying degrees, and carries the blood of Palestinian and Iraqi children on their well-manicured hands.

In the unlikely event that there is a hell, to hell with them all.

SCOTUS Unanimously Overturns Colorado’s Ballot Ban


On an even brighter (electoral) side, abortion matters even less today.

An O-pill is shipping, which, according to NPR, will cost $20 a month and be available over the counter, no prescription, even to teenagers.

I’m sure it’s overloaded with civilized side effects, but then again so is womb-scraping.

Best of luck against the war machine to all the people out there, pregnant or not and regardless of whatever witless genocidal meat puppet they choose to vote for; Amen.