Preen Empt

It bothers me way too much when I miss posts like I did this week past.

So here in the middle of a working week, I’m putting one up early (it’s not technically the 2nd yet, in spite of the timestamp).

It didn’t really go well with the month’s first post, which I just wrote, anyway.


Just a pointer to four minutes of political video that I found telling, plus if you don’t know Jimmy Dore, or Aaron Mate’, now you do and that’s a bonus, according to my lights.

Also according to my lights, the moral of the story is this.

Elizabeth Warren’s heart is totally in the right place, as evidenced by the first blurted word of her answer.

The bad news is that her heart works for a boss called her brain, and her brain is that of a law professor, and a deeply political animal who puts the interests of her Party and its donors above the interests of her less well-heeled constituents.

Exactly the same dynamic that led her to watch and wait last time, until her Party successfully managed to actively extinguish Bernie’s flame, and then endorse Hillary instead.

So will she really fight for something like Medicare For All?

She totally will, if it’s politically expedient. But not, if it’s not.

I don’t have those kinds of questions in my mind about the rumpled old Jew. His heart and his brain are synced, and one doesn’t have employer authority over the other.

Call it integrity, call it consonance or consistency or purity of values. Or just say that he rhymes with himself, a lot more often than not.

It’s this trait that makes me trust him mostly, speaking as a burned 2008 Obama voter (after Kucinich fell, also in part due to Dem Party machinations).

It’s this synchrony, that I prefer, even if I end up warily casting my ballot for her someday.