The Winds of Change

22% of black people now say they’ll vote for Trump, if Biden is his competition.

Yes. It really is getting that bad, out here in the flyover.

Dennis Kucinich, JD, and Michael Santiago Render (aka Killer Mike) lay it all out for each of us, the privileged liberals, if we only will have ears to hear. A longshot, I know … still …

Please awaken. Stop the Wars. Spend all those billions instead on your neighbors, We, the People.

And while we’re at it, let’s smack the snake of shadowban, restore Amendment 1, and end censorship in the name of protecting ourselves from the scary spooky Misinformation too.


I posted a brief preview clip at YT, pointing the viewership to Patreon instead. Or Substack. Both platforms that don’t blatantly suck the way YouTube has consciously decided to do.

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