
Right then so. A strange day to cap an all-too-normal week. I’m loaded with things to tell at you. Not that anything’s happened except thinking. But arranging the thinking into evenly spilled prose takes a lot of bandwidth and right now I don’t have it. So instead you get dissociative spill, and tomorrow I’ll try to tell you about the thinking. Cogently.

I only saw slivers of the debate because I had to work. As I understand it, Castro’s stock has been downgraded because he was a meanie to Uncle Joe or something. A few more people are saying in a shocked tone that Yang is beginning to make sense. And the old guys at the top and bottom of my list let their age show a little more than was seemly for television. I guess if I had to miss an episode, this was as good a time as any.

The Dean poked his skinny nose unannounced into my classroom for ten minutes while I was on the air tonight just hanging out by the door and watching. That has never happened to me before in a dozen years. It happened during a very good time optically. I was relating hard and engaging flawlessly. I made my students laugh genuinely more than once. Best case scenario–this counts as his mandatory announced visit for the semester and I can be free to not think about it again until spring. Worst case scenario–Who The Fuck Cares; I am militantly not in the business of impressing authorities this year.

And now the blessed weekend cometh.

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