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NORD STREAM: ‘PRO-UKRAINIAN GROUP’ Blew Up Pipelines In VAGUE New Report: Brie & Robby
For weeks, the whole Empire establishment stonewalled on the rare occasions that the owned media even bothered themselves to ask about the Hersh pipeline story.
Then ‘today’, they decided to leak some “intelligence” which purported to blame the destruction of Nord Stream on some rowdy gang of amateurs, as if the whole thing was some kind of fraternity prank gone wrong.
As the linked report above suggests, that is, at best, laughable.
I’m going to let the story (such as it is) speak for itself, except to point out two more things.
One: the leak was very light on facts, but did claim that the operation was carried out by a Ukrainian group. There’s been a lot of speculation why. One version says that it was to make the plucky little country seem much more capable and powerful than it is.
In any event, Zelenskyy is furious at being even tangentially blamed, and has issued angry denials in every direction. Which brings us to another version, which says that NATO is quickly losing patience with President Z, and that this is just one more signal that they’re getting ready to boot his ass out of the country he leads, and into one of the 35 mansions he owns across the world, in all the best places.
I wonder how he got to be a billionaire with three dozen houses in the first place … Hmm.
Two: A mere couple of days before they leaked, the White House hosted a visit from the German chancellor Olaf Scholz. By any diplomatic standard, Olaf’s junket was extremely low-key, and quick.
Maybe just maybe, he was summoned to Washington to give him a personal heads-up about this leak–the pipeline damage having hurt Germany worst.
Scholz is on very thin political ice in Germany as anti-war protests take off there. Both he and his protestors are very well aware who actually did this, and one of the reasons the protestors are so mad is that their leader seems to be endlessly willing to sacrifice the well-being of their country to the Empire of Moloch without a whimper.
None of this is provable. It is even still theoretically possible that Seymour Hersh got the whole thing wrong and that the saboteurs were an uncommonly well-funded and skilled rogue faction from the Kyiv Junior High School marching band.
Please don’t go betting any money on that …