T Minus 30

As soon as I got the truck home, it started to snow again, and it kept snowing all of the brutally blustery night.

It was good sleeping weather. I got a full eight. I’ve been deep in a good sleeping bag AND under a down quilt these past few weeks.

First thing in the morning I got a call from the dentist in SandRock, wanting to know if I was going to keep my hygiene appointment scheduled for twenty-six-or-seven hours hence. My answer was: Since you need an answer right this minute, my answer has to be No.

Probably, I could have made it 238 miles north through the wind and white stuff, in five or six or seven hours of tomorrow morning. But there wasn’t any point left to risking it. I rescheduled downrange six weeks, because by then I’m going to have to be living not here in Cienega, but more like 238 yards from the dentist, up there.

I went out and restocked on pellets instead. It was a side-streets-still-icy kind of day. It didn’t melt off in two hours like the previous dose.

Tonight they say it will drop to another hard freeze, around ten degrees, with a wind chill taking it down below zero.

By the weekend they say things will re-glorify, days in the 50s and nights in the upper 30s, maybe a chance of rain Sunday (along with high winds, but not the 30-40 mph insanity of this storm).

I have exactly a month left now, down here in the high country, down here in the approximately blessed little town, and I have Work to do. Not just work of course, but work I need to be proud for, and of, even while I’m doing it.

The shape of days.


Reporter Seymour Hersh on “How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline”: Exclusive TV Interview

First time Hersh has commented publicly since posting the story. The guy is heroically undiminished in his mid-80s.

The single most interesting part of this: Hersh is pretty adamant that although the Nordstreas are 51% Russian property, the attack on the pipelines was not primarily an attack on Russia. Rather, it was done covertly because the main objective was to prevent Germany from ever going back on their lukewarm commitment to stay off Russian petroleum. In terms of the intent of the sabotage, in other words, it was an attack on the biggest country in Europe, and the linchpin on the eastern side of the NATO Atlanicist alliance.

They lie and they lie and if they need to throw their ‘friends’ under the bus and extort them by waving American energy at twice the price under their noses after making sure ‘friend’ has no alternative … that’s what they’ll do.

Speaking of liars, they play a clip of spokes-spook Ned Price lying through his ugly little teeth, knowingly and willfully, about this incident during a press conference. Hersh is very magnanimous toward Price, saying that he’s probably a good man and a nice guy who just happens to have the crappy job of mouthing whatever script they shove down his weasel throat.

I’ve watched him do it before, and let me get this off my chest. It was always very annoying for me to listen to people like George Bush and Donald Trump. But that small agony was nothing, compared to having to listen to horrible human beings like Ned, and his boss Sullivan, lie cravenly and cynically at every turn about perpetrating the worst sorts of behavior on the world in the name of American democracy. They take revolting and disgusting to previously unthinkable levels.

Okay. Done. Go in peace.