Are You In The Big Club?

First they told us that the vaccine would prevent you from getting the Rona, even though they knew it wasn’t true.

Then they said, well nah, you don’t get vaxxed to protect yourself … you do it to prevent transmission to others, who may not be strong like you.

Which was also a willfully told lie. There was never even any data to support the notion that the jab prevents transmission, much less a study, and it turns out: it doesn’t. Of course it doesn’t.

It’s the same with masks. Fauci first said no, wearing a mask might do more harm than good, don’t do it. Then he said he lied with good intentions–if everyone needed a mask, then medical staff might not have them. Then he said oh god yes mask. Double mask. Cloth masks are great; then cloth masks are useless …

Lies upon lies upon lies.

Near the end, they finally retreated to saying: well alright. The best we can say is that getting vaccinated might make your inevitable experience with C19 … less severe. You might not up and die.

To which I say, well that’s nice. But the same can be said about the stuff you called horse paste. The same can be said about monoclonal antibodies and a whole lot of things.

Things you the government full of capitalists didn’t pay for and never will.

But you paid for that one thing, right? You paid for people to take the jab. That and only that. Not cancer, not blood pressure medication, not food allergy testing, not any kind of life-saving medication or procedure. Just Pfizer’s vax. Just Moderna’s jab.

Why do you suppose that is?

It was a giveaway to the pharma companies, in exactly the same way that the farce called Obamacare was a transfer of wealth not to people, but to insurance companies.

They lied and then they mandated their lies, and started firing nurses, firefighters, truckers, all kinds of average Americans because they were skeptical about the lies.

Those Americans were right to be skeptical, but all being right got them was the derision of fools and a pink slip.

I don’t care if you’re the kind to wave “Science” in my face along with a disapproving finger in Walnut Creek, California; I don’t care if you’re an angry anti-vaxxer in Tittyfuck, Alabama–none of that shit matters.

What matters is they lied, that they have always lied, and they always will lie about Everything, so long as the lie is in service of profit, American exceptionalism, and Old Glory waving proudly on the fourth of July.

Iraq and Ukraine. Libya and Syria. Pfizer and Moderna and who killed JFK, MLK, RFK, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton and the Sanders campaign, twice.


Not codifying Roe into law for fifty years.

Not passing the same universal health care the rest of the planet has, ever.

Running endless propaganda about the critical importance of voting, when there are no real choices.

Promising to forgive student debt or release low-level drug offenders or bring the minimum wage up above eight laughable bucks an hour.

Preaching hope and change with no intention of changing anything ever. Networking for eight years, grabbing your stack of Benjamins, going windsurfing with Richard Branson, and puppetmastering the blue party from behind the scenes for the benefit of the class of donors that you are now rich enough to be a part of. That’s how the game is played.

Yes Bush sucked. Yes Trump sucked. But if you think Barack and Joe are lesser evils, even a little bit, you’re choking down another system lie. Out here on the flyover frontera on the wrong side of the tracks, things go from bad to worse no matter what the name of your Senator or the color of its tie.

Go see if you can find out the number of times Bill Clinton took a ride on the Lolita Express. Or Hillary for that matter.

Then tell me to shut up with that tired old story about what was really on Hunter’s real laptop.

The planet burns and that’s obvious, but it’s harder to see that for the average lunchbucket in the home of the brave, it’s all been burning and twisting in agony since his father was in the second grade, since Teddy Roosevelt climbed San Juan Hill.

The fire is fed by people’s bodies and their minds, and it smelts bricks of pure evil gold, with good paychecks as by-products for those who are smart enough to keep their eyes on the prize and off the body bags, singin’:

You don’t dress for the job you have
Oh no
You dress for the job you want

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