
I’m getting a decent amount of sleep, but it’s in smaller chunks at random times. Right now it’s four-thirty in the morning and I feel happy and good.

Inside, I’m spending the money to keep the stove burning. Outside, it’s warmer too, because the rain clouds are keeping the day’s heat in a little better overnight.

The same clouds are playing in a very lovely way with the bright moon and stars.

I was out on the porch for a bit just now and there were two big owls calling to each other for a good long while.


I love the sound of owls.

I wrote that about 24 hours ago. Then my body decided to just stay up all day, and I allowed it. So I wandered through Tuesday in an energetically crippled state, and in spite of that I was fairly productive.

Finally about 6 PM, well-fed and a hot bath under my belt, I couldn’t stay awake any more and I slipped into bed with the setting of the sun, and slept deep for seven and one-half hours, bringing me full circle to one forty-three on the next morning, this new morning, and positioning me well to maybe hear the owls again, if they are in the mood to talk.


Catching-up companion piece posted under 22 Nov if you care to. After three more of those, the hole in my spill will be healed, just as the hole in my schedule has been as of right this minute.