Unpredicted Gullywashers

A pair of them. In the afternoon it was torrential enough. But then as it got full dark, the serious heavenly fireworks show commenced. There were crash bombs going off right over the house. That was not a localized phenomenon, because at least two power lines got hit and went down in the near proximity too. Before ten p.m. the lights went off, and stayed off for hours.

Then the aftermath stillness was illuminated only by the rising moon.

Down at the river the frogs began to call by the thousands. I hope Mr. Hoppy made it through alright. Maybe he jumped off to rejoin the tribe. Maybe he’s King now, or beggar … neither of course. What he is, is unbounded by meaningless human labels like these. He is just Critter. Maybe we are still too, and just imagine otherwise.

Life without electricity is a whole other life. Mostly I liked it. The candle I lit was lavender sage. The part I liked least was not daring to open the fridge, not knowing when or if the juice would flow cold again.


Earlier in the day, I got a date-certain of sorts for getting out of the north and on the blessed road to Eden Cienega. Long story short is I’ve got ten daysish, because that’s when there’s a long overdue appointment in Prettytown with the new naturopathic pro.

Storms of complication and I am surfing them with tentative adolescent poise.