Replacing A Roof

Pretty much the same as yesterday, only in the words of a salty old military man instead of my wide-eyed lyrical prose.

Colonel Douglas Macgregor Interview – Debunking Taiwan, Ukraine Lies


In other news, the leadership of the system in the Greatest Country has one foot in the grave and the other one wedged in the toilet.

Nancy, third in line:
The Poor Old Gal’s Attempt To Say Word Things After She Landed In Tapei

Kamala, next to the throne:
Why Does Kamala Harris Use Word Salad?

Capo Joe:
Saudi Arabia Slaps Biden In Face After $3 Billion Arms Sale

And Joe Again:

Well ain’t that real tragic. My heart, see it bleeding now.


I want to do something journalistically moral, for what it’s worth, and contrarian at the same time.

That screen grab above is taken from an Alex Christoforou video. The people I watch most are generally terrible at clearly labeling their sources, and oftentimes I’ll go out myself to try and track down the genealogy of the things that say, quote, or use.

In this case, I found that the source of the passage in this pic was Russian, and even IN Russian, with a hasty translation somewhere between here and there. I thought about tossing it as pure propaganda, partly because I was pissed off to discover that I’d essentially been lied to and was on the edge of lying in turn to you.

But then … I found two articles by the same CNN reporter, one from last month and one from yesterday, that almost amount to confirmation–if not of the actual words used, at least of the spirit and tone.

Jill Biden on President Joe Biden’s hindered progress: ‘He had so many hopes’

Joe and Jill’s long summer

In the second article we get this: “One person with knowledge of Biden’s agenda and state of mind tells CNN the first lady is concerned about the effects of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine have had on her husband, and how her husband carries himself personally”.

I don’t know exactly what the reporter means by “carries himself personally”, or whose words those even are. To me though, the implication of the two articles taken together is that Jill’s husband is old, tired, depressed, and even a little confused, not just generally, but specifically because this President gig didn’t turn out to be the kind of heroic glorious endgame to a life in politics that he always dreamed it would be.

It turns out that he’s really bad at it, and people have noticed that like they do, and the polls say he is not the leader they expected him to be, and not the leader they want going forward. He’s done nothing consequential for the people who voted for him, not even keeping hard promises he made while campaigning, or at least doing what he himself can through executive order.

He went straight from the frying pan of Afghanistan to the fire of Ukraine on behalf of corrupt people, and the point of both conflicts was exactly to enrich the worst kind of people both here and over there. He’s pissing off China and driving them ever closer to a formal military alliance with Russia against the United States. The inaction of his party for fifty years culminated in the loss of abortion rights in half the country. The economy is tanking and it’s mostly a product of his waving the sword of sanctions around indiscriminately and chopping off the financial heads of his own people, the ones among them who can least afford it.

His own bumbling and ineffectiveness mean his party is going to be swept out in the midterms and he will be the lamest of lame ducks for the next two years, deepening the already cavernous uselessness of his presidency, and yet he goes around telling everyone he’s going to run again if it kills him, which it probably will. If he lives, he will lose to some rando Repub–he would probably lose if he ran against Putin himself at this point.

He snaps at reporters and makes his wife worried about him. That’s real sad.

Cry me a river, Corn Pop, you dog-faced pony soldier.


So there’s your real propaganda, elucidated properly, eyes dotted and tees crossed.

Meanwhile, my own life drowns in minutiae and sin.

The Empire nosedives.

The beat goes on.