Your Vote and the Lie

July 17, 2007

In response to a debate question about what he’d do to protect a woman’s right to choose, Candidate Obama says:

“Well the first thing I’d do as President is sign the ‘Freedom to Choose’ Act.”
(i.e., the codification of Roe into actual law)

21 months later, April 29, 2009

now-President Obama, sitting on top of Dem supermajorities in both the House and Senate:

“The ‘Freedom of Choice’ Act is not my highest legislative priority. I believe that women should have the right to choose, BUT …
I think the most important thing we can do to tamp down some of the anger surrounding this issue is to focus on those areas that we can agree on.”

The promise: Vote for me–I WILL sign it and permanently protect your rights.

The truth: I don’t give a shit about your rights. What I care about is tamping down your anger and keeping you pacified and in a counter-revolutionary trance state of hopeful magical thinking, because that’s what my billionaire masters want, and what happens with your working-class womb runs a poor distant second to that priority.

Same with Biden and the Clintons and Pelosi and the rest. The lie is staring you in the face, and it is not the only lie, or even close to being the most important one. Just the one you care about this week.

The video of both statements is embedded here.


Don’t talk to me about the rule of law or will of the people, or how we might be losing our liberty. For the purposes that matter, it’s long gone.

Don’t talk to me about spending billions to protect that oh so sovereign ‘democracy’ in Ukraine, when we don’t have it in Flint, Michigan or Ferguson, Missouri.

And above all, don’t pragmatically school me about how I need to hold my nose and vote over and over for the lesser evil.

It is not now and it never has been lesser. Lies are lies and they oppress you and me and poor pregnant women alike. If you should try to convince me otherwise, like some Jehovah cultist on my doorstep …

… should you start waving that American or Ukrainian flag in a text thread I am compelled to read …

You’re only going to piss both of us off, and distract both of us from the actual brutal reality that confronts us.

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