Choice Inputs

China buys oil from Russia in Yuan; Saudis wavering on the petrodollar
Gas will cost more. But celery too. And rechargeable batteries. Everything, because your $ is worth less and less.
Precisely because your leaders made the choice to go to war economically for the stupidest possible reasons.
This is Vietnam, except with cash power, and it’s your budget that will be coming back permanently in a body bag.
Think twice about buying those virtuesignally charity prints from the national geographic.
Consider buying rice and solar panels first, and don’t burn your notebooks.

And as for me.

I want to feel done with this.

I’ve been paying very close attention for years, and in the last couple, since I’ve had the time, I’ve intensified my study of the big picture. Macroeconomics. Macro … geostrategery. Internal Empire politics. I’ve refined my political bookmark list down to some very fine sources and I’ve watched them daily, religiously.

In the end I have a deep list of conclusions.

First. Everything they’ve told you and everything they will tell you is a lie.

I don’t mean this in the conspiracy theory sense. I’m content enough, to believe that the official story on 9-11 is basically and more or less what happened.

I mean the propaganda they’ve been feeding us since day one. With liberty and justice for all? Complete bullshit.

Who killed those people in Bucha? They know. They don’t want you to know, and they’re doing everything they can to make sure you never do. Who killed JFK, RFK, Malcolm, Martin? Same fucking story.

Everybody knows who killed Khashoggi the journalist, and that nothing will happen ’cause it was a rich man chopped him up.

Getting excited from any angle about electoral politics is perfectly analogous to masturbation. Getting behind a Bernie might relieve some stress and feel good for a little while. Beyond that it’s practically speaking without meaning.

George Carlin was right. They Own Everything.

What they own includes the brains of the majority of smart and generally well-intentioned people who live here, and not just trumpian deplorables, but pelosian libtards too.

Almost all of what these good citizens get agitated over is a pure deliberate distraction, from who won the Super Bowl to how easy it is or isn’t to get rid of a fetus.

A distraction from realizing just how deeply the game is rigged.

Political opinionating, including calm sane discussion of the ‘Issues’, is vital to the Lie of the oppressors.

“We” are not the good guys, any more than the Democratic party is the lesser of two evils.

All the little daily news-cycle ways these things are true can be interesting, but in the end all the little truths add up to a great depression.

If this depression is the price of staying actually well-informed, I don’t know if I want to be well-informed anymore.

I seek a separate peace.

So I’m going to try going back to watching DemocracyNow! every weekday, and only DN, and only the headlines on an average weekday. That’s ten or fifteen minutes, and not hours on end. That’s weekends off if I want them.

Let’s see how long I can stand it.

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