Spicoli Twilight

First it was Neil, and Joni M. even worse, turning from nuanced poetical genuine leftists into system lapdogs barking for censorship in the Rogan affair.

Now comes Sean Penn to pour darker salt in an even deeper wound.

I’ve watched him speak many times, particularly on his efforts to right his government’s wrongs in Haiti, and I was always favorably disposed to him.

In 2015, he unwittingly betrayed El Chapo into the hands of Empire stormtroopers–it’s a long controversial story with fingers pointed in every direction, but it’s clear that Penn was at least a useful idiot in the affair. He can be forgiven that much, especially since the only one directly hurt by it was a notorious Mexican drug lord.

But seven years on, he’s clearly lost his way, if not his freakin’ mind along with it. He’s mad at the Empire again, and over Ukraine too, none of which is surprising. But it’s WHY he’s mad that verges on insanity.

It seems that he’s livid at the Bidenistas for not going ahead with a no-fly zone, which they’ve prudently declined to impose for the simple reason that it’s the first step on the path to a third world war. With nukes this time.

So his brilliant solution is that billionaires–fascistic well-funded non-state actors–should be taking matters into their own hands, and buying a bunch of state of the art fighter jets FOR Ukraine. So they can, you know, put up their own no-fly zone … with no pilots trained to fly them …or anything …

The corporatism inherent in the idea is alone enough to make a sane person stare. But the problems with his solution don’t even begin to end there.

Since it’s not going to happen anyway, I won’t detail them and get us both riled up about nothing. You can dig if you choose to care.

I’ll just say: come home, Sean. Take a long deep breath, give up the war correspondent posturing, and put your good intentions to use here. Because the decline of the dollar and the Empire with it is going to soon mean that we’ll need your help every bit as much as the Haitians once did. What we’ll never need is your half-baked attempt to turn yourself into a battlefield strategist and procurer of arms merchants. So long as there is hate in the world, those industrial militarists will just keep getting fatter all on their own without your help.

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