Hard Lens

#LaptopFromHell : Glenn Greenwald On The Fallout Of Hunter Biden Story

This is the best work I’ve ever seen Kit Cabello of Hard Lens Media put out. He’s a Chicago boy, none too bright, with a penchant for pronouncing certain common words in such a tangled way that it almost amounts to a speech impediment.

But here he nails the facts to the fucking wall with style in spite of all that.

At the center of his piece, he showcases Joe Biden willfully and obviously (knowing what we now know) straight-out Lying to the American electorate on a debate stage in the middle of an argument with the Donald.

He lied because the truth would have doomed his candidacy, and maybe even (in a truly just world) sent him to jail for racketeering and corruption.

It needfully agonizes any rational person to say it, but this time, Trump was absolutely right. So was Glenn Greenwald, again. But the entire neolib Democratic establishment, including the parts of it who do ‘journalism’ (looking straight at you, ‘The Intercept’), including the silicon masterminds at Twitter and Facebook–they stood with Joe’s lie and amplified it, and brutally suppressed the truth and the very concept of free speech.

Now that the truth is out anyway? Nothing. Not a single retraction, not a single sheepish smile, not one word about how what they conveniently dismissed as “Russian disinformation” was in fact their disinformation.

It’s bad enough that they all agreed quietly to push lies.

It’s ten times worse that with the curtain ripped away, they just go silent and expect you to go on believing what they say.

But the real tragedy, one hundred times worse, is if you cooperate like a good little lesser-evilist, with that rotten expectation.

Maybe you believe what I say myself. Maybe you don’t. But I’ll say it anyway.

Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Peter Bootygig, Chris Hayes, Mark Zuckerberg, the Clinton tribe … they are not lesser evils. They’re only prettier evils, slightly less revolting but no less satanic minions of the corporate fascistic dark lord who ultimately runs your reality and mine.

Moreover, being able to say that out loud, at the exact same moment that the other half of this broken fake democracy is saying it too, in the form of Rick Scott and Darrell Issa making squeaky hypocritical noises of outrage …

That doesn’t make you a Trumper, my darling!

Acknowledging the truth does not mean you are deplorable–it may very well prove evidence of the opposite.

Please don’t cooperate. Please spit instead of swallowing.

That small act of rebellion may never do the least bit of actual good. I can’t even promise you that you’ll at least sleep at night, because it’s half past two in the morning as I write this.

I have promised you that I will try very hard to shut up about this shit and bring you a calmer, more zen-like literary experience about the minutiae of one person’s attempted answers to a world that just keeps nosediving towards the Devil’s own plan. I’ve kept that promise–in the sense that I have tried, really. I will keep trying.

I blame Kit for this lapse, blast his aggravating midwestern marshaling of facts. In retaliation, I’m not even going to stop to marvel at the way he neatly loops in our proxy Nazis, at the bitter tail end of his screed. Fuck that guy.

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