Beginning of the End

‘Petroyuan’ Could Further Shake the Dollar’s Dominance

When it happens, and some people are saying it will as soon as the end of the month, everything changes.

People will look back on the one-term Biden presidency as the point where American greed finally overreached all the way to the Russian border and ran itself right over the fucking cliff.

Don’t be worried about “paying $1300 more” for gas this year. Worry about five and six and ten-dollar diesel fuel for the trucks that bring you absolutely everything, doubling the price, of absolutely everything.

Worry about the dollar plummeting in value since it’s not the petrodollar any more, at the exact same time that inflation turns runaway, in a perfect toxic storm of capitalist self-cannibalizing.

Worry about what the capital machine and the Empire will do in your name, in a last-ditch effort to save itself.

Alternatively, stop worrying altogether.

One thought on “Beginning of the End

  1. Matt Taibbi was interviewed by Primo Radical. What Matt says from 16:19 to 17:30 made me feel a little better.

    In a nutshell, he says that 20 years ago, he didn’t have any friends who were for spying, torture, mass surveillance, censorship, interventions (including the ‘elimination’ of foreign leaders) in other countries, regime change, building up the military, watchlists, and the spirit of things like vaccine mandates or throwing the book at Assange. No friends who stood with the deep state and the projection of oligarchic power across the globe.

    But now, all these things are part of what mainstream neoliberal Democrats approve and call for more of … and, Taibbi says, he has very few friends who are now still against them, as they very much were a couple decades ago under Bush.

    It IS baffling, to me, too.

    Matt Taibbi has consistency and integrity, and of course I’d love to believe that I do too.

    So, his puzzlement was heartening, by that exact spiritual mechanism.

    Watch the whole thing:

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