It could happen.
2014: A Putin/KGB engineered coup topples the Mexican government. A pro-Russian puppet is installed in Mexico City. Later, it will come to light that the Mexican puppet’s cabinet was hand-picked by a woman in the Russian Office of Foreign Affairs, and her choices for the positions include fascists and Nazis too.
2015: Widespread rebellion erupts against the Russo-Mex regime in the border states of Sonora and Chihuahua, largely inhabited by English speakers with cultural loyalties to the US.
2016-2021: Mexico wages brutal war on its two breakaway provinces and its own people within them, bombing and killing a few rebels and hundreds of civilian Chihuahuans and Sonorans.
2016-2021: The US issues strongly worded statements against the southern Mexican regime, and warns that they consider the situation a threat to American security.
2018-2019: Russia invites the Mexicans to join the Warsaw Pact and begins pumping billions of dollars of weapons into Mexico. Russian ‘defense contractor’ stocks soar.
2020: The Russian opposition party attempts to impeach Putin, on the shaky ground that he is said to have delayed some weapons shipments to Mexico by a few weeks. The attempt fails on party lines.
2022: The American government formally recognizes the breakaway Mexican states as independent and then sends US troops into them to eject the Mexican forces, effectively deciding the outcome of the north-south Mexican Civil War.
The entire Russian-aligned state media erupts in outrage at American Aggression. But their ratings soar just as high as weapons manufacturer profits.
With luck, it will be easy for you to see what I did there.
I’m furious today, not with Putin or Zalensky. Not with White House spokesperson Jen Psaki or with the rich useful idiots of cable TV.
I’m furious with the good earthy liberals that listen to the latter and swallow what they’re told uncritically and whole, waving a flag and getting emotional about our brave veterans and sacrifice.
Because they’re far smarter than that–and I can’t understand why they would want to embrace such stupidly mono-dimensional views of any given situation, whether we’re talking about those poor women in Afghanistan, or the lesser of two evils, or the moral truths of this “invasion”. Or that “insurrection”. Or what the fuck ever … why? Why do you refuse to see self-evident truths?
Here is a huge body of contrary facts that you will never hear on CNN.
And here is a calmly passionate dissection of the truly putrid hypocrisy of my dear righteous Democratic fellow travelers.
That’s all I have to say. No, that is a lie.
Allow me to humbly amend that to: That’s all I’m going to say. Amen.