Rainday Snownight

All that dreaming was brought on by deep low pressure following a strange storm of snow.

Yesterday doesn’t count for anything because those stories all visited me in the afternoon of today. I’m lost.

This morning there was real drama in Ottawa on some soap opera level. The Loadstar truck left.

Eric the driver of it, who has been quite an occupation rock star, said that the government was threatening the bank accounts of 50 fellow Loadstar workers if he didn’t go, so he had to.

Which was completely believable on the face, but quickly raised a lot of messy questions. One, Eric had already quit the company. Two, he owned his own truck, so if the government wanted that iconic trailer gone, why didn’t he just unhook from it and let it go?

In the new-media frenzy of YouTubers, one guy walked over to Eric’s best friend’s truck nearby for some reaction.

The guy called Eric a pussy and said his story was bullshit. He offered an opinion that instead, Eric’s wife had threatened to leave him if he didn’t knock off this foolishness and come home.

He said he felt like a machine-gunner in a war, whose ammo man just suddenly decided to stop feeding him bullets. Betrayed by a brother.

In other news, there’s a US convoy supposed to start the 23rd in Barstow, which probably means it will come straight past the place I call house, formerly home.

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