False Flaggings

FBI WON’T SAY If Agents Were Involved In Jan. 6

Why the hell not, Feebs?

If there were no blood on your Bureau hands, then you could absolutely just say no, to simple questions like:

“Did any FBI agents or confidential informants actively participate in the events of January 6th, yes or no?”

But for some inexplicable reason, their spokesdrones are unable or unwilling to provide that No.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but that strikes me as mighty fucking odd, if they were indeed blameless of the false flag charge. Why not just say No, even if saying it were an ass-covering lie? There have been plenty of people in recent years lying under oath to Congress, and none of them have been even charged, much less paid any price. Paying the price is for peasants, like Julian Assange and Stephen Donziger and any swinging dick trying to make a life for themselves on Taco Bell or Walmart wages.

Kudos to Ted Cruz (yeah, yeah, I know) for putting that question to the squirming deep-state press flacks.

Referencing the video earlier in the linked clip, kudos also to the allegedly dumb right-wing trump-nut crowd who sniffed out the Fed in their midst–the one who was actively inciting them to violence or at least trespass on the evening of January 5th.

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