
It was my schedule that had. (Tumbled. I think one-word sentences are also disallowed, except for interjections.) By yesterday I was waking at three in the afternoon, at the start of the sweat hours. And there was precious little productive standing-up in it.

As it began to darken I noticed a weariness in my extremities. Nowhere near tired, but quite relaxed. I decided to take the easy exit into napping sleep, to crow my hours back around to something more normal. I stayed down for about five hours and got up at two in the ante meridian.

The coolness is conducive. I’ll stay up in it as long as I can, on into the not-coolness.


By a quarter to five in the morning the birds are all talking and there is a little bunny eating weeds out front. It’s cool out enough that I go back inside for a minute to put on a shirt.

This may or may not be the morning that the salt bucket gets filled and emptied onto whatever the rabbits haven’t eaten. I’m collecting data though. It’s better than nothing.

The brief chill and thinking about the fucking weeds makes me sleepy, and I realize I haven’t made coffee yet, so I’m fixing that.

Watching a superfine mind in slow motion. See it gripe.

A sailing vessel ‘gripes’ when she can not properly sail close hauled (at a angle close to the direction of the wind) due to being incorrectly designed or because she has an imbalance of sail which results in the bow (front) heading into the wind when sailing close-hauled. The sails flap around and forward progress is difficult.

Using the wind to travel. The superfine considers an analogy with free and open source software. See also the related pleasant distraction.

Five thirty and I can indirectly see that the sun is up somewhere nearby.


I am shorn and washed for the first time in a while.

From Ushant to Scilly is thirtyfive leagues, and one is the distance a person can walk in an hour. And lord get this: the 35 leagues song is Spanish Ladies, and the tune is the same as Streets of Laredo. Of course it is. But know I know; now we know.

Alright that’s enough. Luff up and touch her.