Merely Pale Virtue

Well I did try. Not very successfully.

On the Wednesday, I hooked up with the Brother. For most of the trip there was nothing strictly new to me. I got to show off the mining town on the near end, and the one true town on the other. In the middle though there was a slot of new-to-me as well, and it was my first visit to the hamlet of Portal, on the way up into the Chiracahuas. Very cool and totally worth the detour.

The Thursday began in the glorious Argent, and again it was a matter of revisiting, for me. The Murray and the co-op and the Jalisco and the coffee places and the breakfast burrito place; Bayard and even unto Hurley. Then the goat milk store and the Catwalk, and Safford. We ended the day in deep Tucson, hooking up with the Lady and eating well (Ethiopian) and drinking much.

Friday was just more of it, plus a first trip to Kitt Peak and the observatories.

In the backchannel road trip conversations scattered, I was full of revelation. Things let into the open that I haven’t said here, after decades of conceal.

He flew out this morning at zero-dark-thirty. (Love you man, serious.)

She and I and the one cat have been slugabeds all day, out long enough for bagels. Now we wait for the Sonora sun to sink, so that it’s cool enough to slide up east for a gigantic salad.

This is more diary than spill. That much I’ll get back to fixin’.

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