Not With A Bang

But a whimper.

I invite you to permit Chris Hedges to kick the ass of your American mind in twelve minutes.

Chris Hedges | The HORRIFIC State of the American Empire

To the younger members of my tribe I say: Get the fuck out while you still can. Grab a foothold in Lithuania or Tenochtitlan or Vancouver. The Earth is going down and the main architects of its doom will be the first over the side. Already a simple medical procedure can break your bank for good here. A cop can shoot you down and the rule of law will not save you. Voting for a Biden or even a Nina Turner will not even slow down the ruin of the motherland soil made rich once by the blood of native and slave alike.

The smart among the evil know this and are buying up the land in New Zealand.

It will be ever more difficult to live a happy life anywhere. But especially here.

Find your lifeboat.

I’ve found mine, and yes, it is here. But I don’t have much time left anyway. You do. Let the New Mexican base be useful for the forwarding of your mail, or the growing of your herbs. or as a fortress of lost dreams in the home of the brave. The blessing upon us all.

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