The self-appointed sane sage priests of liberal technocracy:
Of course, wind and solar are never going to cut it really. Let’s be pragmatic. Nuclear power needs to be part of a sane sage strategy to combat this icky climate change thing. Sorry to be sane, sage, and blunt, but not that sorry. We’re hoping to pay off our second mortages and put our rich kids through college instead of watching them bake and drown. Mistakes were made. Next time we won’t make such bad ones. Honest Injun. Ah shit, that’s probably not the woke thing to say.
The owners of the failed Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan:
Guys? Guys? We need to do something about all this radioactive wastewater in our poster child Fail Plant. We can’t keep storing it for the half-life of forever, you know. The hit to our profit structure just can’t take it any more.
The rulers of Japan: Well … fuck. Ahem.
The plant owners are right. This shit has already destroyed some key agricultural sectors of our export income, and if they keep holding onto this dirtwater in a sane sage way, it’s going to tank our whole economy. Not that it’s harmful or anything! Just saying. Some people are toottally paranoid about isotopes.
So we’ve come up with a sane sage approach. We’re going to go along with their capitalist plan to dump this radioactive shit into the Pacific and wash our hands of it once and for all. We don’t foresee any possible problem with that.
O … kay, guys?
The rulers of every country within 1000 nautical miles:
The fuck you say. The hell you are. I got your tanked economy right here pal.
The rulers of Murica:
Well, gosh. Ever since that time we rained down radioactive waste on you, you’ve been beaten into allying with us. Especially against evil North Korea and evil China. So if you want to do the same thing to yourselves this time, who are we to stop you? Sure, go ahead and dump. It’s not like you’re close enough to shit it all over Malibu or Puget Sound or even Pearl Harbor. And sorry for using that last particular example. We … get it.
The aforementioned sages of the scientific military-techno-industrial complex:
Well, you wanna drive an omelet, you’ve got to break a few godzilla eggs, amirite?
The media rulers of NPR: See, there’s two sides to this story. Some people say sage and sane! Some other people think a radioactive ocean could possibly be a bad idea? We are objective journalists, so we have no way of knowing who the gosh-darn heck is right. One thing’s for certain. It’s a cray-cray world, eh? Next up, Whitney Houston, not black enough, or misunderstood genius? The news you need! When you need it!
The media antirulers of Vairtere dot com: Hey remember when we were gonna save the whales? Remember how kicked in the feels you felt by that polar bear on a shrinking iceberg?
Remember how you recycled and bought a metal straw ’cause you’re a good person?
What if the zombies of the apocalypse are mutant dolphins?
What if the apocalypse already happened and it happened the exact same moment a Mr. Richard Feder from Fort Lee, New Jersey turned up his thermostat?
Feder isn’t guilty, for wanting to be warm, and god knows he’ll be warm enough soon enough.
But if he screws his eyes shut and sticks his fingers in his ears and checks his eTrade account and cranks up his iPod for a little Dylan, a little Leonard Cohen, a litte Rage Against The Machine, instead of listening to Greta Thunberg justly scold him, and FEELING that the way he’s living and voting and fooling himself might be part of the problem … well, there might be … consequences.
Butterfly wings making hurricanes.
Just saying.
Feder is me and Feder is you. We’re all Feder.
Also, in Minneapolis, in the middle of a show trial for a cop accused of carelessly killing yet another black man, some chick cop carelessly killed yet another black man. (I swear I thought it was a taser!)
President Joe took notice of that of course. His message for the black men: Hey now, none of that looting malarkey now.
No, Joe. No looting. It’s as useless as voting for you was.
Just anarchy, now. It’s the bonafide organic sage sane alternative.
I learned two interesting things from the Canadian Commie bro:
One, the latest cop-dead Minneapolis child, who was guilty of either hanging an air freshener from his mirror, or expired license tags, and who was supposedly about to get tased for resisting arrest, was in fucking handcuffs when the she-javelina shot and murdered him. Of course it was an “accident”.
Two, the phrase “How are you going to pay for that?” is straight-up mind-control propaganda. As CC said, the system supports billions upon billions of dollars stolen from the communal economy by gangsters and thugs in five hundred dollar suits, and squirreled away in offshore accounts via tax fraud. The people need health care. You’re asking how we could possibly pay for that?
The question itself is an attempt to brainwash you into accepting Evil as regular and normal.
I recommend not falling for that.