
Trying to bridge the gap between despair and post-voter methods that might actually make a difference, I was introduced, via the Krystal and Kyle podcast, to a young content-creator that at least made me smile. Her name is Sh0e, and of her light list of of creations, This One Was My Fave.

Right out of the gate I finally learned what a ‘terf’ is. Then she cleanly explained a term I’m well acquainted with, that of ‘a Karen’, although she didn’t come down quite hard enough on the racial and classist aspects of Karenism, for my taste.

To wave the flag in defense of Karens is to virtually self-incriminate yourself as one, and in order to even get that far the defenders have to employ laughably debunked and ancient tropes like ‘reverse racism’, a thing they’d never tolerate from anyone who wasn’t a white woman. Their position has nothing to do with the liberation of women as they imply. They’d be better off claiming self-defense against people who hurt their personal feelings by calling them on their pompous shit, because that’s what this really amounts to.

Thanks, Sh0e.


Finally, let me segue into my recent renaissance of love for Russell Brand by reposting one of his more political pieces, a retelling of the saga of the legendary Snowden myth with special reference to how Ed’s pain is our pain, and his Kampf against corruption our struggle too. This may serve as a useful looping introduction to the first thing I posted in this mega-thread, Brand’s interview with Carne Ross.

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