There is so little going on in political news to get passionate about. A few half-good things from Biden, but no movement on the kinds of things that affect me directly, and a hushed neoliberal malaise blanketing the landscape like February snow.
The podcasters do what they can to heat the darkness. I offer you the extraordinary Glenn Greenwald interviewed by the mortally great Kyle and Krystal, not on the news of the day mainly, but on how he got where he is.
After summer I’m headed for a birthday ending with a zero, and I said to her the other day that it’s hitting me already, harder than any other decade-marking anniversary ever has. It’s not sixty per se that chills me, but the idea that in ten or twenty more years there will be no more celebrations, or even pain for that matter. I’ve always held dear the Castenedan advice to make death your advisor and be very aware of it, and I’ve already lived longer than I have a right to–but I want to live, breathe, suffer and soar forever. The evidence is that it doesn’t work that way. I’m coming to terms with that, very slowly and awkwardly.
This is part of how.