Planet Speaks To Us

It’s probably true that the election wasn’t stolen from them, like they say it was.

It is absolutely true that they have no real representation anyway. This isn’t a democracy. Even the few legislators that pander to them consistently, the Louie fucking Gohmerts and the QAnon Lady, are self-serving careerists out to line their own pockets and serve their corporate masters, the same as Pelosi, Feinstein, Schumer, and old Joe the ex-Senator from MBNA, who gave us the Iraq War, the Omnibus Crime Bill, the Patriot Act, no path to student loan bankruptcy, the original kids in cages, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Anita Hill remembers that one.

You didn’t storm the capitol. You didn’t break any windows. But you are pissed off, aren’t you? And in your heart, you don’t really believe that a return to Obama right-winger ‘centrism’ is going to solve jack shit.

Do you?

Not if you’re paying any real attention you don’t.

The screenshot is from a video at Hard Lens Media, which is where I learned about this particular Common Dreams article.

All you really need to know is in the headline. Science is calling the situation dire. Humanity in general is in denial. The Collapse of Civilization itself, not just a civilization, is upon us.


A co-author of the science journal article under discussion says he and his colleagues are “are all scared” about what’s coming, and characterizes the way we’re proceeding as “extremely dangerous”. “By scientists’ telling it like it is, we hope to empower politicians to work to represent their citizen, not corporate, constituents,” said another co-author (emphasis added).

“In fact, the scale of the threats to the biosphere and all its lifeforms is so great that it is difficult to grasp for even well-informed experts,” adds a third.

Already, conditions are horrifying. They’re going to get much worse, very soon.

The best that can be hoped for is slowing down the race to ruinous permanent collapse. What would that take?

“Eliminate perpetual economic growth” is the prescription that leapt out at me.

That isn’t going to happen. Why?

Because it flies in the face of the mission of every corporation on the groaning planet, and the corporations are the wellspring of oligarchic power. They own the politicians.

When we hear about Jonestown or use the term ‘drinking the kool-aid’, or read about the loony Californians who castrated themselves to reach a standard of purification worthy of being picked up by the spaceships, we shake our heads. Crazy! Madness! What were they thinking?

Yes. But like fish trying to see the water, we fail to realize that consumerism and capitalism are very literally and precisely a fucking Death Cult, and every single one of us in in it way over our heads.

My fellow Southwestern Anarchist Edward Abbey once said that “Unrestrained growth is the ideology of the cancer cell”.

It is also exactly the ideology of the modern capitalist corporation.

And the worst part is that by and large, it’s the ideology of every one of us. Only we don’t say Growth. We say: A better life, for our children. By which we mean a better job, a bigger house, creature and status comforts at every hand.

Until this brutal paradox and where it leads in burned into the brains of you, and I, and the ones we love and the bosses we hate, and felt at some terrified gut level, and changes our well-meant intentions and our reflexive behavior of going to work at those corporations and institutions every day, and clicking on the shopping cart at Amazon, our children are doomed by our own hands.

A politics that pushes us all together in that direction is the only politics that matters, at all.

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