Nancy Pelosi is a lying sack of corporatist crap.

Pelosi’s Stimulus Half The Size Of TRUMP’S

Those of you getting kicked out of your houses for Christmas, those of you in the miles of bread lines, those of you literally dying at the rate of one per minute from the bungled virus threat–I hope you’re happy with your half a loaf of Antoinette cake.

You can watch Mr. Dore’s video if you want detail, and to vent your spleen along with us, but the basic fact comes straight from the milquetoast lips of Newsweek. She won the election, and now she wants “compromise”. Translation: I never wanted to do anything, and was using the Republicans as cover for that position since April Fool’s Day, when the leaves that are lying on the ground now were just beginning to bud and bloom.

Meanwhile, friend Joe is filling his cabinet with the usual suspects, and while the tint may be a bit darker than usual, identity politics has no policy implications and it never will.

Shortest honeymoon ever.


Meanwhile (again with the meanwhile), Kyle takes the Myers-Briggs live.

I took it again too. My results were roughly the same as the first time I took it forty years ago.

If you too find yourself in need of an idle diversion from this 2020 reality dumpster fire, you can find the link to this version of the test underneath his vid. Have fun and tell me what you learned!

PS, in light of recently spilled themes:

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