
In the morning and right up until noon, we pieced in the last seven or so pieces of the insulating. You’re the reader and you have no reason to care how that went.

Back to sandRock.

Sandrock, Arizona is the name of the town in the Judy Garland vehicle “The Harvey Girls”, 1946.

Sand Rock, Arizona is the name of the town in “It Came From Outer Space”, filmed a mere seven years later.

In both cases, you could argue along with me that (all together now) that the fictional town in both cases is in fact very close to the spot where I’m typing this.

This is why, just like I always refer to Flag as Prettytown, I always call this one Sand … Rock. It’s cinematic perfection contained entire within the eggshell of a pseudonym. I feel the same about Vairtere. You don’t have to, but I think it would feel better if you did. Free advice worth every penny.

When we got back here this time I almost immediately ran into another fresh old person from the college. Not an evil one this time, nor the cream of the crop, just a fellow traveler who was on the side I was on more often than not.

At one point in the quick catching-up, I responded to a question about my Institutional Employment status by temporizing, and she said, “Oh, unemployed, huh. I’m sorry.”

“I’m not,” I said. Which launched me into paragraph on This Blog Thing I’ve been doing for five years, and how I was leaning toward the idea of never working again, but building out the writing from here. Because:

    It’s what I do anyway.
    It’s what I like doing.
    It’s what I always said I wanted all that lovely retirement time for.
    And, you know, Greenwald. Taibbi. Substackery. People really do this, and some of them really do make money. Even a good living. Fingeri crossed ennit, hey rando, it’s a trial balloon and watch him trying it out on you randomly.

“And you can still retire!” she said brightly. Mmm-hmmm. Yes’M thass right.

Anyway we got our giant bags of stray cat food and then we went home and slept for thirteen straight hours and when we woke up it was just about eight o’clock on Thanksgiving morning.