
This image, like the similar one from a few posts ago, is from something called White People Twitter, except it was on Tumblr: whatevs.

One in ten posts there is amusing or insightful to any notable degree. This one … made me stop and think. Challenged me. Again, similar to the previous GiftedChild.

“Never displayed even once is my life” is overstating the case, for me; probably for little miss axeMurder too. They don’t give you advanced degrees without a display of some discipline and meeting of deadlines. For example.

But the dose of truth is contained in the fact that every time I finish picking off a degree like that, I tell myself: Never Again. In part this is precisely because I don’t like adhering to a routine written by someone else. It’s frankly hard enough for me to adhere to the self-written ones. And as for discipline …

It’s the opposite of self-indulgence and self-grat. The opposite, of my natural anarchism.

On the NYT’s ‘Daily’ podcast yesterday, there was a story about how The Media is filling with lies and propaganda. Very compelling. Troublesome.

On today’s edition of the same podcast, there was a longer story about how everyone–left right white black–is expecting a civil war after the election next week, and loading up on guns and ammo.

I listen intently.

I don’t care about any of it on a level that matters.

I have my own problems and issues, and with a few tweaks they can be encapsulated and displayed through the vehicle of the axeMurder tweet. The issue of my emotional relationship to the concept of discipline, and how that profoundly affects my life.

Also, how much chicken bone broth to add to chili verde while it cooks.

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