Nothing else happened the day RBG died in the saddle.
I wasted my time trying to figure out who to blame. I’m fairly well settled on certain voters and non-voters in Kentucky and elsewhere. Not many Native Muricans. Not many trans sisters. Flint stones and thumpers and the evil tippy turtle hisself.
JimmyD chooses to blame the DNC directly. The logic goes like this. The Democrats did nothing when the evil turtle blocked the appointment of Merritt Garland. Why did they do nothing? Because Obama told them to do nothing.
Why would Obama do that? Because he was absolutely certain that Hillary would win and be free to appoint him anyway. And letting the Republicans act out their thuggery would be just one more selling point for persuading people to vote against Trump.
“You HAVE to vote for her. Because otherwise that crucial swing seat on the court goes to the Orange Peril.”
The talent they have for blowing off their own toes is stunning. Spectacular.
Unless you subscribe to the view that the Dems don’t even actually care about winning. The consultants get paid either way, and either way there is no challenge to the one party rule with two faces.
Trump, or more specifically Pence, get their third seat to fill. Rabid anti-abortionists get to cheer yet again, since the court will stay packed in their favor for the rest of my natural life at least. Chuck Schumer gets to go on uselessly handwringing and failing to pass a stimulus bill.
Among the elites, everything works out fine.
Meanwhile down in my desert slum, I get something out of it too.
Losing the Court permanently means one less reason to have to hold my nose and vote for Joe.
It’s one less reason why the November election matters, at all.
I think we call that a Pyrrhic victory. It’s the kind of success I specialize in.
God bless us every one.