
The cat got out, and decided within a few hours that she missed clean water, the good food, and being rubbed into purrage by a well-braced foot. Her decision entirely. She’s not a stray any more, and in fact hissed pretty mildly at her cousin boy who still is, when treat time came around. He almost came inside before she did, and I think that triggered her.


Push. There’s a shed in a box in the driveway. A pallet for a subfloor, with five more to grab in the morning. Plywood cut to size for the floor proper. A big job awaits, construction and moving into it, but that’s just time and work. The money and the collecting are pretty done.

In the mail, on the way, both a modem and a router. They and one monday call will bring ten times the download strength into the house, fast thick rich bandwidth once more.

Showerhead, already swapped out for new and much better.

When that’s all done the house will be as perfect as it can be under the pre-clawfoot circumstances.

And my mind will turn slow to the interim work for pay for now, and to the real work, and ways in which the latter may replace the former once and for all, with or without the promised land being involved.

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