
On Sunday, we woke in a motel room near the landing zone, and went back over there, and took it all out again, putting the stuff that mostly doesn’t matter under a new old roof.

This was the second day in a row of extreme physical exertion.

To give a rough idea, I got four liter-bottles of Pellegrino, so over a gallon’s worth. Only I drank those, and they were gone in about the first three hours. We had a few cases worth of non-sparkling for backup, and a huge dent was put in those, too.

I would have been proud of the job we did together if we were both half the ages we actually are. To pull it off as a pair of fiftysomethings is a testament to the capabilities of the human body. Brutal, and taken mostly in stride.

An important part of the whole water thing is that there isn’t any, of the running variety, available. There’s a massive break in the main water line somewhere, and it’s the major strike against the habitability of the place. Getting that fixed is the new job #1 for me, alongside completing the moving of the last few things this week, and fussing with the utilities, and the soon to be ex-landlord’s whining, and transitioning utilities …

Brutal. And … never again.

I said it to her this way.

If life doesn’t turn out happily, this is the terminal destination.

Even if life becomes a little more successful, there will only be one more move.

And it will be nowhere near as hard, for a couple of reasons. Certain heinous pieces, like her big solid king bed, will never move again period. And with the installation of this shed, we are both very committed to downsizing. There will be no more need for 26 foot trucks. The highly theoretical transition to a better town, if it even happens, will be a much slimmer affair in every dimension, and if it were to happen, it could likely happen in a gentle, gradual way besides.

It was no fun and I’m glad it’s over. Although … amazing ourselves was rewarding. And my body, though sore and spent, feels really good.

A reminder that intense physical activity should happen more regularly.

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