knight and day

From the darkness into the light the wind blew steady and the windows stayed flung. Not good sleeping weather in the classic sense of long and deep, but rather an invitation to give into naps often.

And often that is not a good sign, but this time doesn’t feel too bad either.

In between quick hot dreams, I’m emptying the freezer and fridge because moving that stuff is almost pointless; I’ll fill the old new ones with new old things. Thus my diet is leaning heavy to the select meats which don’t move fast, the turkey burger patties, the andouille sausage that would normally grace a crockpot just boiled and eaten whole.

Statues falling. Black men lying on the ground. The first virus wave never ending while the second piles on.

“During the American Revolution, the legal separation of the thirteen colonies from Great Britain in 1776 actually occurred on July 2, when the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence … After voting for independence, Congress turned its attention to the Declaration of Independence, a statement explaining this decision … finally approving it two days later on July 4.”

Rightly it is a three day holiday, and it will be, no picnic.

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