No Go For Joe

I had a conversation with an old friend who is a hardcore DNC partisan the other day. She voted enthusiastically for Hillary of course–a little bit on policy maybe, but primarily because of identity politics. She wanted a woman president, and she wanted her very old mother, who was alive at the time, to see a woman president before she passed.

Her Blue vote meant nothing, just like my Green one, since the state’s 11 electoral votes went to Trump by 3.5 points or 100K votes in the raw total. Even the county where we voted went Donald by a similar slight margin.

Anyway, At one point she was fantasizing about the two old boys at the top of the government dropping dead from the Rona, and how that would give us a woman president through the back door in the form of Nancy Pelosi.

I snorted something vulgar and inarticulate, and said it would make no difference as far as I was concerned. I referenced Chomsky to the effect that we live in a one-party nation that has two wings for the sake of optics and to preserve the illusion of choice. I added some invective against Nancy specifically.

She said: Oh, I’ve missed your cynicism.

So this post is for her, and anyone else who thinks I’m an outlier of cynicism.

Kyle Responds To Being Called . . .

It’s a nice long half-hour that takes the viewer a lot of places they might not usually go, around into lonely corners of the prog-left discourse on this issue, and some related ones.

Kyle speaks for me pretty much completely here. The kids in the cages were an Obama innovation. And if they are not a deciding difference between the parties, then nothing is. Fuck them both. Demexit now.

There’s no strategic difference between his position and mine. But alas, there might be a tactical one.

Kyle lives in New York. That state’s electoral votes are going to Biden no matter what, so he has the luxury I’ve had the last several times, to vote his conscience.

Strange as it seems though, less than six months out, I live in what is shaping up to be very much a swing state.

I still don’t believe at all that 11 electoral votes are going to change anything. But what Kyle says about being an accessory to Obama’s crimes in the past cuts both ways.

There’s still a whole lot of time to decide. I still maintain that the Dems can’t possibly be serious about running that doddering alleged rapist, so that could change things (a very, very little).

So there you have it. All my little worry and fuss about some finely arcane moral points in an unreal lottery.

I am really fed up with political football right now. I hope I can restrain myself from inflicting it on you further, for a few weeks going forward at least. The road stories and the personal ones are much more fun to write anyway. Harder. But better, in some aesthetic sense, too.

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