
I shopped hard; it takes several hours. Beyond that I took a deep dive into some

things including

Sheldon Solomon’s ideas, but that’ll be a topic for a Sunday show I think–tonight we can preface that discussion by noticing that he won’t be a hero exactly, because there are no heroes.

That was a theme that popped up politically in recent weeks from watching Bernie endorse Biden, and by the fact that neither he nor any other Senator made a definitive difference to the so-called stimulus; that neither Ocasio-Cortez nor any other representative demanded a paper trail for who voted for what, even though she and they could have and should have … … and now we have poor fuddled Rapey Old Joe floating the plan to swamp his own cabinet with Wall Streeters. Also the President, who will probably win again, is suggesting to the people that they shoot up with bleach , and when the fucktards actually do it by the dozens, he claims it was sarcasm. It wasn’t sarcasm. I watched him say it, and try to get some horrified woman doctor on his team to join in him saying it. She stared ahead like a deer in the lights, clearly in physical pain at the suggestion, thus providing a meme for what the non-bleach-junkies among us feel every day.

The story for today is about another non-hero, the dearly beloved, even by me, Michael Moore.

One of the tropes he’s fond of riffing on is the Flint water crisis, a particularly evil example of class warfare with child casualties in America.

So there’s another media personality slash journalist out there name Jordan Chariton. He has none of Moore’s charisma, usually comes off as a bit of a douche, and has had Me-Too allegatons flung at him in the recent past.

But he’s a pretty good investigator, and he unearthed a bunch of smoking-gun paperwork that damns the Michigan leadership (former and current) to hell about what really happened in Flint. And he’s shouting about it to the rooftops, just days before the statute of limitations is set to run out on bastards like Rick Snyder, the former governor.

Journalist uncovers MASSIVE Flint cover-up, reveals how CNN ignored the story

With the exception of that Hill piece, and self-coverage on Chariton’s own site

No one is listening or responding, and that includes the hero known as mmflint on Twitter, and the current governor, who is on the short list for Biden’s VP.

So, news flash, I don’t know everything.

Maybe Jordan Chariton is a far worse human being than we know.

Maybe his smoking gun evidence is manufactured or false.

But let’s say he is, and it is–even then–what possible reason could you have for just ignoring him, when prosecution is a time-sensitive matter in this case?

Go on the record and call him a liar, or a child molester, or whatever.

But just ignoring him, like almost the entire media ignored Biden’s rape allegations when it mattered (and they still never ask him about it)–smells like bad fish to me.

Chariton’s own video proposes explanations for that. Explanations that may or may not be true. But if they’re not, why not just say so? Why leave the stinking fish in the sun?

This world and the way it works is so fucked.

I can understand to a point someone like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez getting ahead a bit, and then deciding to back down from her principles a notch, for the cause of keeping her seat. She’s a young woman with a tiny grasp on some tiny power, and she might well want to keep her hold on it long enough to do some real good.

But what in the hell is the goddamn point of Bernie Sanders rolling over for the DNC, AGAIN?

What is the fucking point of Michael Moore willfully ignoring evidence of criminality in his own city, and letting time go by until the criminals can’t be tried?

Sanders and Moore have already lived long lives, lived mostly on the right side, and been very successful at their respective professions.

But somehow, Bernie sees Joe as his "friend". Somehow, Moore sees the Michigan politicos throwing up their hands at the lead babies as his friends.


Fuck those people. They’re not worth having as friends, and they are certainly not worth protecting no matter how much calculus and harm reduction and three-dimensional chess you think you’re playing, boys.

When I tell you I want to die free, this too is part of what I mean.

I want to be free of addiction to painkillers like nicotine.

I want to be free of entangling friendships like these.

I want to die free in the sense Albert Camus meant when he said:

“Come to terms with death. Thereafter, anything is possible.”

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