Saving Graces

Tuesday they said there’s a meeting on Wednesday at 4, short notice and more or less mandatory. Bleh.

Up at six per usual for this silent spring, and off over the mountain to the remote institute. Back through the best city in the state where the make the best burritos. Well … the best unmexican burritos for sure. I usually get three or four for the weekend fridge. And the bathtub coffee … I said this part, right?

That still left me with two hours to kill, so I got a bag of food for lil miss foster cat, and then went in for some bandwidth and organization. That’s the only real doubleheaded reason I go in to the office. As opposed to the classroom. Besides the direct deposit.

This giant waste of time away from home was all for a ten minute meeting, in which we learned that they’d fired a muckety-muck–Well. That his position was suddenly vacant in the middle of the semester, and there would be no details forthcoming.

Nobody even bothered to ask for them actually. Everybody knows how this game is played.

Everybody knows who to ask for the details, and how to ask, so the real story had wide currency within the hour. "Real" story, whatever that means.

The guy had moved here the same time I did, but he came from further away, somewhere back east where they have more Jews.

Apparently this strained his normal eastern breeder marriage to the breaking point, and he was in the middle of a divorce, and what we used to call a mid-life crisis.

So he asked a pretty part-timer out for a date.

She didn’t like that, and told someone, and he was out the door just that fast.

‘Cause we’re so Me Too around here.

I mean … I don’t care about this guy–barely knew him. What he allegedly did was very dumb. And maybe it was worse than it sounds, although he was an outwardly meek man, to a fault.

But what I do know is that if he had been a member of the magic-underwear-wearing cult that runs this shitshow, things would have gone very differently.

For myself, I am a double Gentile and I have no plans to change that ever.

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